Category Archive


We adore intimate weddings with very small guestlists, and this archive is filled with microwedding ideas and real wedding inspiration. If you’re skipping the guests entirely, be sure to browse our elopement archive. Elopements are the ULTIMATE microwedding.

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Allison & Jason’s spiritual, frickin’ cold, tango-infused wedding

Day 3 of Kilt Week = awesomeness. Royal blue dress + purple kilt = total awesomeness.

5135080002 d58310c881 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Tori & Clayton’s 1920s “cat gangster,” pirate-y, guerilla wedding

Tori and Clayton intrigued and delighted us in our Valentine’s Day Monday Montage — Cat ears and tails? Pink hair and pirates? San Francisco land marks? We wanted more. Well here we go…

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Liz & Kevin’s handmade, well-armed wedding party of adventurers

Rainbow socks? Check. Swords? Check. Post-wedding hair cut? Check. Life-size cut out of groomsman walked down the aisle by the bridesman? Hell to the yes!

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Sheila & Andrew’s two rock ‘n roll weddings

A little bit country, a whole lotta rock ‘n roll … and a pornographic letter as a reading? Can you say amazeballs?!? As if the kick-ass tutu dress wasn’t ball-out enough …

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Emily & Joshua’s vintage, naval, beach wedding

Summer heat, boy and girl meet, but uh-oh those summer nights.” The last day of Beach Week features a couple who tied the knot to keep those hot summer nights going. Plus, there’s victory curls and zombies — tell me more, tell me more!

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Emma & Jon’s sandy, handfasting, Celtic wedding celebration

Down unda, it’s actually summer right now and tropical Darwin, on Australia’s northern coast, is ALWAYS hot. Day 4 of Beach Week will now make all of us freezing are asses off jealous of Emma & Jon’s holy-shit-amazeballs wedding AND the temperature.