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Screen Shot 2013 05 07 at 11.25.36 AM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How my budget app just altered the way I view my wedding

I have been checking and re-checking my wedding budget spreadsheet weekly — especially the estimates vs actual money spent. I am not the first, nor will I be the last that spends a good deal of valid energy on a wedding. But something happened yesterday, thanks to an app, that helped remind me of the fun of wedding planning.

5844299605 bc1d459eb8 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

“How can a dress make you fat?”: Judging my value by more than my clothes

Recently, I overheard a (rather curmudgeonly) acquaintance complaining, “These days, no one cares about who you are inside or what you do anymore: you can behave as hatefully as you want, as long as you wear the right shirt.” At the time, I rolled my eyes, and he backed down from such an extreme example; but when I returned home and was fretting about wedding things again, his remarks came back to me, and gave me a wee epiphany about wedding planning

How life and a terminal illness inspired us to elope

How life and a terminal illness inspired us to elope

The topic of elopement came and went several times, but we both decided that a big, beautiful wedding was the way to go for us. Then life decided to get involved. I was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Neither of us could ignore the incessant ticking of the clock the doctors had set for me, though. So the topic came again: to elope or not to elope?

pregnant bride wedding 2 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Reality check: wedding planning isn’t SO bad

We have a tag archive here on Offbeat Bride called overcoming adversity, and it’s all about couples who’ve dealt with significant, serious challenges on the path to the altar. Now, I don’t mean challenges like, “My divorced parents don’t get along; how will I do the seating chart?” or “What if it rains?” Not to diminish the reality of these challenges, but they’re just on a different level than, say, “My mother is dying so we threw the wedding together in a month” or “my partner was attacked by a shark.”

In the name of perspective shifting and reality checks, let’s take a wander through some of our overcoming adversity posts… because there’s nothing like cancer, premature babies, peg legs, and tornadoes to help you get your seating chart woes in perspective.