Category Archive

non-floral centerpiece

Looking for alternative centerpiece ideas that don’t involve a huge batch of flowers? We’ve got (deep breath) book centerpieces, glassware and jar centerpieces, geeky centerpieces, Disney centerpieces, dinosaur centerpieces, lantern centerpieces, rock n roll centerpieces, steampunk centerpieces, and so SO much more.

6033671046 bf1a0a64c3 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Stephanie & Peter’s technicolor candy house wedding

Surrounded by a technicolor wonderland house, a bride in a purple and black dress fits right in. She and her top-hatted groom had a witness-by-lottery, Pixy Stix centerpieces, and somehow overcame a major bus malfunction to rock the night away in New York.

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Natalie & James’ day out at the zoo wedding

Lions and tigers and crystal trees, oh my! Getting hitched and feeding giraffes may not be on everyone’s wedding day agenda, but for this couple, it’s all in a day’s work. Check out their zoological, offbeat lite nuptials.

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How to make your own succulent terrarium centerpieces

I have a total hard-on for succulents, seriously you should see my balcony it’s crazy out there. Anyway Dragon Lady once showed us her monster movie wedding invitations and now she’s showing us how she made her succulent terrarium centerpieces.

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Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and a burrito walk into a bar…

I geeked out on the Offbeat Flickr Pool entries this week. It was like you guys exploded with Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Lego, and Renaissance amazingness. Moar nerds FTW in this week’s Monday Montage!

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Tons of paper flower inspiration for your wedding (or paper anniversary!)

Coffee filters, origami, and newsprint all find their way into crafty hands for paper flower bouquets, centerpieces, and decor. If you’re choosing paper flowers over living flora and fauna, there are tons of choices. We’re rounding up our paper magic for your handmade and alternative material inspiration.

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Kelly & Chris’ 8-bit video game wedding

Sometimes it takes 30,000 Lego bricks to make a video game-themed wedding with pixelated programs, favors, and even a cake! This groom found his princess in this castle and you should see it.