Category Archive

handmade dress

8036755153 0d6d193ff0 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kaity & Chuck’s rainbow farm wedding

No hurricane was able to dampen the spirits on this pair’s wedding day. They had their heart set on a farm wedding and made it happen despite Hurricane Isaac’s threats. There were also handmade bridesmaids’ dresses, a mom who saved the day altering the bride’s dress, and last-minute rainbow-decorated barn.

mm 00 100312 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A French-Mexican fusion wedding in Mexico City

Imagine getting to attend a French-Mexican fusion wedding outside of Mexico City with local and French foods, amazing dancing (salsa included), and tons of DIY details. Julie Hagenbuch got to do just that when she photographed Marie and Mario’s gorgeous ceremony and party under the stars.

yreuue 050812 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Gillian & Mark’s offbeat lite transatlantic wedding

This wedding packs a visual punch with a gorgeous cathedral in Scotland, awesome kilts, and most amazing sunny day for the UK. The handmade dress (made by the bride’s mother!) is a testament to craftsmanship. Oh, and the gorgeous art deco-inspired cake, and unexpected wedding crashers are worth a look too!

6304464215 ce5fc477d4 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Ashley & Oliver’s homemade wedding on the dunes

This wedding explodes with DIY details: a handmade dress and shrug, self-assembled bouquets and centerpieces, jewelry, hairpieces, flask garters, photo booth props, and barefoot sandals(!). The sandals were the perfect shoe solution for a beach ceremony. The handfasting, adorable “ring bear,” and gorgeous setting round out a fabulous wedding day.

sdfggmario 030712 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Ashley & Alexander’s fun and games geeksplosion wedding

Video games, gaming conventions, board games… you get the idea. These people like to game! Their Skyped-in bridesmaid, hand-screen printed ties, and Skittles toast were the icing on this geektastic cake. Plus, the bride shares some sage advice for those who choose to sew their own wedding gowns.

doc martens as wedding shoes on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Mich & Dan’s gothic Transformers and cupcakes wedding

Tribe moderator Mich has a flair for DIY and it totally shows in her handmade dress, fascinator, shawl, bridesmaid dress, and 1000 paper cranes! And that’s not even listing everything. The rest of the story involves Transformers, gothic red and black details, and some of the sweetest dance moves, including a man-on-man Dirty Dancing lift.