Category Archive

handmade dress

ghgh 020513 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Nicole & Josh’s eco-friendly camping trip wedding

A midweek morning ceremony with a whole week of campout festivities surrounding it? Sounds fab. This couple was on a mission to keep things as eco-friendly as possible and to undertake any and all DIY projects. Was it a success? You’ll just have to see for yourself. Here’s a hint: hell yes.

gurety 01 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Singing and dancing at this circus-inspired German wedding

Anneke and Michael’s wedding in Lüneburg, Germany had a traditional ceremony, a second outdoor ceremony, and a carnvial-esque costume-themed reception. The bride wore a dress handmade by one of her best friends. The first ceremony was held in a medieval watertower, and afterwards the pair bicycled to the outdoor reception where the second ceremony took place.

dfsjksd 012213 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Erin & Jay’s queer Jewish Dominican wedding

This pair has an awesomely diverse community willing to celebrate and totally donate their time and energy into making this wedding rock. And boy, did it. In addition to the bride’s handmade dress (out of a sari!) and groom’s kick-ass suit, there was wedding party aisle dancing, ukulele toasts, and a giant group hug right after the ceremony.

sdffggfg 010812 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kick-ass shoes, gorgeous gowns, and fabulous fashion

Reader submissions this week also included a rainbow-clad wedding party, even more rad shoes, and quite the spread of luscious fashion.

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Ellen & Paul’s summer camp peacock handfasting

Rising from the depths of the lake at summer camp, it’s…. the most adorable crocheted Cthulhu bride and groom cake toppers — the little bride Cthulhu with her peek of peacock dress and the little groom Cthulhu in his kilt and beard. This wedding embraced the gentle nods to weird and sweet personal touches, but shining smiles and hearty laughs win the day.

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Eva & Radek’s diet-friendly Czech wedding by a cave

Traditional Czech weddings usually take place somewhere indoors, but this couple couldn’t imagine a ceremony that was not in the open air. So they chose a gorgeous cave location and matched their DIY decor with mossy centerpieces and green details. They also tackled the challenge of accommodating lots of different diets including gluten-free, lactose-free, and diabetic foods. There was a ceremony near-disaster, but it ended up working out just fine.