Amy & Ian’s back-home, summertime wedding
The offbeat bride: Amy, high school science teacher (and Tribe member) Her offbeat partner: Ian, high school math teacher Location & date of wedding: Stanley’s Olde Maple Lane Farm, Ottawa – August 7, 2010 What made our wedding offbeat: Our goals for the wedding were: to have it in Ottawa so our families could be […]
Emma & Jon’s sandy, handfasting, Celtic wedding celebration
Down unda, it’s actually summer right now and tropical Darwin, on Australia’s northern coast, is ALWAYS hot. Day 4 of Beach Week will now make all of us freezing are asses off jealous of Emma & Jon’s holy-shit-amazeballs wedding AND the temperature.
Lisa & Dave’s Red Riding Hood lost in Twin Peaks wedding
Remember the little red riding hood vampire kiss? What about the hipsteriffic groom’s gear of awesome complete with glittery anatomical heart belt buckle? Of course you do and you’ll never forget the whole hooded, twin-peaks themed, black and red shibang!
Christa & Christopher’s Renaissance garden wedding
Christa & Christopher stayed true to themselves by having a small wedding at a Renaissance Fair. Even though it was spring, they choose their favorite colors — orange and brown — as the color them. Christa made her bridesmaid’s period dresses.