Every week, I browse the Offbeat Bride Flickr pool lookin' for some awesome wedding shots. Then on Mondays I get the privilege of sharing them with y'all! This week I noticed a lot of red, white and black goin' on in many of the photos. So I put together a red, white and black color themed montage. Oh, I also threw in a little bit of fire, just to spice things up!
Also, if you'd like to see your photos featured, be sure to submit them to the OBB Flickr pool. The more details you give us on your flickr, the better! We REALLY like to credit photographers, share details, call you by name, etc. 😉
The incredible first kiss by Beca and Mart. I love how the officiant's hands are up as if he is orchestrating the kiss. Also, apparently this is why couples get clothes custom made. They look bananas amazing!
Josh and Anne's flower girl, Ella had a seat assignment for the ceremony. However, she decided that it wasn't going to work for her. So she took her monkeys and found a better seat, right in the middle of the aisle. Precious!
Vampires… so hot right now! David and Lisa, you slay me.
Samantha‘s dress is HOT HOT HOT! Plus, that red dress really makes her ice-blue eyes POP! So fierce.

The Offbeat Bride: Nikki, OBT member “nikki fizer” Her Offbeat Partner: Duncan, Musican Location & date of wedding: mother jungle of a patio in Harrisburg,... Read more
Black, red, dreads, tattoos and sunflowers.
Who doesn't love a bendy bride? But ouch, that has got to hurt. Lynne, you are my hero!
Aww, look at Jenny and Adam's vintage, Fisher Price “Little People” cake topper. Jenny got two vintage “Little People” from eBay, and then (because we all know how crafty Jenny is) she re-painted them and gave them new clothes so that they would resemble Adam and herself. My favorite part is the tiny red couch.
Are my eyes deceiving me? This cannot be real! A fire-eating bride!? Yep it's true. Stacy ate fire in her wedding dress while her dad's band played “Fire Down Below,” by Bob Seger. What a bad-ass.
These pictures are great! Great way to start my week. Samantha’s dress is AWESOME!
Monday montage makes even a bad Monday good!!!
Go Beca!
LOL… they are on a tiny red couch because our couch is red!!
Oh my gosh I love the Little People cake topper, that brought back a true time warp! We may have to steal this idea- were they hard to find on Ebay?
Hey!! Thanks for featuring me! There’ll be video footage of the fire eating up on YouTube as soon as I can get it. 😀 My husband lit me on fire, and the guys in my dad’s band (Longshot) had never seen me do fire before. It was pretty amazing. And of course, I had a blast.
*My husband lit me on fire!*
Lord almighty I can’t wait to see this video!
Samantha’s dress is stunning.
That first photo – OMG. So amazing!
Love these. 🙂
i *heart* monday montage
nice pictures
Oh my god those dreads and sunflowers.. My heart just skipped a few beats at how AMAZING that picture is
BEST Monday Morning Montage EVER.
Those two were awesome.. Becca was the winner of my free wedding contest.. I loved her uniqueness !!!