Category Archive

groom gear

Looking for tuxedo alternatives? Unique wedding suits? Other groom clothing ideas? We’ve got it all in this archive…

IMG 4184 Medium alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Mara & Bill’s ultimate electronic geek wedding

You will totally geek out on this amazing LED and electroluminescent wire-covered wedding. Think centerpieces made from a 3D printer, a circuit ceremony involving a soldering iron, LED lights glowing from within their outfits, and even jewelry fashioned from circuit boards. These electrical engineers totally know their shit, and shared shocking skills with us.

Anthony Barlich Hitch Sparrow alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

All Vans, all the time: shoes for those going “dapper casual”

I was so inspired by Anthony’s groom gear post yesterday that I decided to focus this shoe post on his footwear of choice: VANS!

Anthony Barlich Well Groomed 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Navy suit, gingham shirt, slim tie, and vans: advice for grooms on how to find their style

Ok, so I guess today we’re just all about fashion. That’s ok, right? Especially when it involves the amazing fashion of groom Anthony Barlich, one of the founders of Chicago’s Hitch & Sparrow. Anthony rocked a navy suit, silver tie, and gingham shirt, with striped socks and grey Vans. (Topped off by Warby Parker glasses.) Darren from Well Groomed recently did a twopart post series interviewing Anthony about his fashion and guidance for grooms looking to find their own vision in a sea of anonymous suits.

MinaTyW 04 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Custom ties and wedding accessories from Cyberoptix Tie Lab for any and all tastes

Who says that non-traditional folk don’t want to get super-fancy with their personal expression? That’s why The Cyberoptix® TieLab is all about! Cyberoptix was started back in 2005, when the creators noticed a void in non-traditional yet sophisticated neckwear. We introduced you to them last year, so this time let’s just dive right into ogling their neck goodies…

collin tie full alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Create a fashion light show with your own LED voice-activated tie

Sometimes a man (or dapper bride!) just needs a trusty, voice-activated LED tie to feel complete. Oh, you don’t have one of those? Then it’s time to get down and dirty with a little tech-friendly DIY. Your vows could become a synchronized light show, ya’ll!

alt bout alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

DIY custom ribbons as alternative boutonnieres

Epbot‘s tutorial for these amazing steampunk ribbons would be a fantastic way to build your own alternative boutonnieres. Whether you’re also interested in steaming it up or you’d rather go another direction, this ribbon medal is a great foundation for your own custom look.