Category Archive

diy wedding

How to throw a DIY wedding. Step one: Peruse this archive. Step two: Take it all in. Step three: Profit!

alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Handspun yarn from a wedding dress

This Etsy seller took the “trash the dress” concept to a whole new, awesomely crafty level.

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Amber’s photobooth Save The Date cards

How much do I love these Save the date cards?!

helen n tim alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Tim & Helen’s colorful, DIY wedding in Bristol

We looked round about 15 wedding venues in the end and didn’t like any of them. We ended up just looking for a large space that we could hire for our wedding instead and we found this old redeveloped paint factory near where we live which is now used as an exhibition space. It seemed like the perfect venue for us as we are both creative types and the mouldy ceilings and large concrete girders were suitably unweddingy enough for our tastes!

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Katie’s at-home Washington wedding

I think two things really set the tone for our offbeat wedding: 1.) Save the date magnets with ketchup and mustard bottles holding hands and smiling with, “some things just go together! Please save the date for our wedding” and 2.) A quote by Thornton Wilder on our (very lovely) invitations: “my advice to you, is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it is on your plate.”

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Melissa’s wedding at the Uptight Wedding Chapel (ha!)

The offbeat bride: Melissa, Web Master My offbeat groom: John, Network Admin Location & date of wedding: Uptight Wedding Chapel in Trenton, MI, April 23, 2005 What made our wedding offbeat: Mostly we bucked tradition. Not even in a huge, flamboyant way. But it drove the chapel owner/managers crazy and the minister refused to speak […]

Ikea-hacking wedding centerpiece

The urge to DIY comes in many forms: wanting to save $$, putting your personal touch on your wedding, or creating something that you couldn’t have otherwise. My situation called for all three. When I saw the going rate for centerpieces ($50 for something I would laugh at and $300 for something I enjoyed), I […]