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Considering a wedding corset dress? What about a wedding corset and skirt? We’ve got tons of inspiration and ideas for you, including some amazing wedding corset makers. If you’re into corsets, you might always want to check out our steampunk weddings and renaissance fair weddings.

96cbe863 2446267149 b324c13d67 o alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The purple wedding dress to rule them all!

Swoon. Purple dress. Black corset. Pink hair. Purple boots. Black veil. Jeweled crown. I don’t know anything about this bride other than that her name is Tanya and she’s from the UK and I love her. A very special thanks to analogueandy for sharing the photos with the Offbeat Bride pool on Flickr! Note: you’ll […]

2064237420 afd9dfbc46 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A steampunk wedding

The fact that Souxzi was able to organize this stunning, stylish wedding in three months (while also grieving her mother’s recent passing) is totally mind-boggling and is a sharp ruler on the knuckles of anyone who says you can’t plan a wedding in less than six months. Congratulations, Souxzi!