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Looking for ceremony scripts? Wedding readings? Advice on how to officiate a friend’s wedding? We’ve got all that and MORE.

wedding vow alternative alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Why I don’t like the word “vows” in the context of weddings

I don’t like the word “vows” in the context of weddings. A vow is like a promise and, whether we like it or not, promises are easy to break. I prefer the word “intentions.” What I intend to do is what is important, how I intend to treat you — right now and for the rest of my life. Here is what I wrote as my “wedding intentions”…

Geeky wedding vow ideas from @offbeatbride

Geeky wedding vows – 10 examples from REAL weddings!

Fellow gamers, book-lovers, pop culture fiends, Potterphiles, Browncoats, Tolkien fans, Whovians, and zombie apocalypse fighters, and all other forms of geekdom in need of nerd-tinged, geeky wedding vows… these reader-submitted vows will save the princess in your castle. It’s dangerous to write vows alone… take these.

wedding vow ideas on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Make them cry: hilarious & tear-jerking wedding vow ideas

We’ve shared lots of advice for writing vows, but our last huge roundup of vow examples was a long time ago… so we worked with readers to gather our favorite wedding vow scripts and examples from their weddings this summer.

We pulled out some of our favorite funny, sweet, sniffle-inducing (I’m not crying, it’s just been raining on my face!), and realistic vows from the pile from which you can be inspired. Tissues are a must when we get to talking about wedding vow ideas, so get ’em ready!

Untitled 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Break a watch to stop time during your wedding + TIMESTOP DnD wedding ideas!

What sci-fi-loving kid (or adult. I am certainly not one to judge) has not dreamed of manipulating time with a broken watch? If you and your partner are of a particularly geeky bent, consider working this broken-watch ceremony into your wedding rituals.