Category Archive

candy buffet

We love all sorts of wedding cake alternatives — wedding pie, donuts, and of course… WEDDING CANDY BUFFETS! This is our collection of posts just about wedding candy buffets — but we also have another archive dedicated to candy in non-buffet form.

7980154370 628d4a28a7 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kelly & Andrew’s small and simple Tuesday wedding

With the goal of keeping things simple, budget-friendly, and personalized, these two managed to pull off a sweet and small wedding (with only a few minor hiccups along the way!). Heavy metal, wrestler themes, and movie soundtracks were the musical backdrop for the alt model marrying the independent wrestler. Add in a little color, a little candy, and some knocked-out groomsmen and you’ve got the jist.

groom with a cane on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Anna & Jon’s family and sweets, hot-day wedding

On a VERY rare blazingly hot day in the UK, this colorful pair donned their respective purple veil and top hat to get married. Their goals were charmingly simple: family, sweets, and color. Oh, and don’t forget to check out the giant mob of long-haired and bearded men!

Gunderson Schmidt Michelle Johnson Photography 0758 low alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A creepy and elegant gothic wedding

Samantha and Steven both look pretty flawless with their extensive ink, perfectly coiffed ‘dos (including purple curls!), and awesome fashion. And then I saw their reception space: candelabras, a spooky candy buffet, purple lighting, and fog. I was a goner.

elopement 050212 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Dancing and prancing couples and some delish retro desserts

This week’s reader submissions had a lot of couples jumping, driving, dancing, and cheering, and they demanded to be put together into this Monday Montage! As a bonus, I pulled in a vintage candy buffet, some “cookie sliders,” and some very cool handmade vintage-style books used as invitations! You’ll either be inspired to dance or be really hungry by this collection.

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Shannon & Fran’s 1920s era vegan-friendly potluck wedding

A 1920s-inspired wedding… but not in Gatsby style? Hell yes. This couple embraces their more humble beginnings with an intimate and laid-back celebration like their grandparents might have had. This included some vegan-friendly pot luck, old timey penny candy, vintage-style dresses and pocket watches, and super chic lavender and wheat bouquets.