Category Archive


Weddings where guests camp-out for the weekend are the best! This archive contains some of our favorite camping weddings, and you might also want to check out our weddings at summer camp venues.

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Nicole and Katie’s romantic, multicultural, garden wedding

Many thanks to Maureen of dreamy Public Market kissing photo fame for alerting us to the amazingness of Nicole and Katie’s wedding. I got in touch with Nicole who gave me some glorious porn to tide you over until they submit their wedding profile.

OFP 90630 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Carnival meets Burning Man wedding tease

Mark and Tara’s wedding photographer Outer Focus Photos described their wedding as “sort of carnivale-meets-Burning Man.” But wait until you see the bouquets!

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Melissa and Jared’s uh-mazing European voyage of summer 2010!

Instead of getting gifts for their wedding, Melissa and Jared asked for honeymoon contributions. Thanks to generous gifts, couch surfing, and a little penny-pinching, they were able to have an awesome trip.

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Emma & Ted’s vodka-soaked, playful wedding celebration

In honor of Russian New Year’s (the week between New Year’s and Orthodox Christmas), we’re having an Eastern European (aka Russian) theme week! Day 5 of Eastern European week brings us Emma & Ted’s three day long wedding. The wedding featured lots of vodka as a nod to the groom’s Russian heritage. -Becca

campfire wedding alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

An ode to the wedding weekends: weddings that go all weekend long!

A weekend wedding makes your wedding more than just an evening event, or a so-called “special daaaaaay” … it provides your guests with the gift of time. Time not just to eat and drink and dance, but time to talk and sleep and share.

top1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

S’more favors, please!

Onyah put together THEE perfect favors for a wedding that involves a camp fire. And it is any wonder that the Tribesmaid who brought us Peep brides would have marshmallow favors…