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bridesmaid gifts

Need bridesmaid gift ideas? What if one of your bridesmaids is a brideboy? What if you need something a little more unique and offbeat? We can help!

RkPWiGo alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Will you be our Companions?: Whovian wedding party proposal boxes

These wedding party proposal boxes were loosely based off the idea of those cute “Be My Maid” boxes that regularly pop up on Pinterest, as well as the awesome spin-offs I’ve seen on Offbeat Bride. Since we are having a Doctor Who wedding, the boxes had to be Whovian.

8567012810 a31788863b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Give your attendants rainbow umbrellas

Katherine & James’ barefoot eco-friendly forest wedding was amazing for a whole bunch of reasons (seed bombs! teepees! a VW bus!), but I especially love how they gave their attendants rainbow umbrellas. Yes, rain happens… but when your wedding party has brightly colored full-spectrum umbrellas, rain becomes an opportunity instead of a hassle.

customized pint glass wedding alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Print custom wedding glassware for your attendants (…or guests!)

Looking for a customized gift to please thirsty bridesmaids, groomsmen, bridesboys, groomsgirls, and whatever attendants you’ve got? Offbeat Bride Tribe member Krissybeth included these adorable custom glasses in her welcome bags for her attendants, printed with the logo from her wedding invitations.

Wedding Party Proposal Invitation Pirate Rum BethOlsonCreative 009 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How to propose to your “wedding crew” with pirate-themed booze-y gifts

Instead of bridesmaids or groomsmen we’re having a Wedding Crew. Which, seeing as how 90% of us met via our Pirate Kickball League (underground/rebel pirate more than “yaaar!” Pirate) we thought it was fitting to go with the pirate theme for this little project. Hope this inspires you to do something fun for your crew if you have the time and the desire to do so!

match cluth alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Coordinate your bridesmaids with matching purses

Krista wanted to give her bridesmaids a coordinating item that wasn’t a dress, so she opted for matching purses and brooches. The best part is that your posse will be able to store the necessities (tissues, lippy, flask, etc.) while they accompany you down the aisle.

Screen shot 2012 11 27 at 7.31.28 PM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Make these custom chalkboard mugs for your wedding party

I was totally stumped about what to get our wedding party as “thank you” gifts for helping us out on our wedding day. I mean, nothing I found was going to say thank you quite the way I want. After a lot of thinking, and probably too many hours on Pinterest, I settled on an idea I thought was fun… chalkboard mugs. Here’s how I pulled these off…