Category Archive


Based on reader feedback that it was “hard to find any weddings of people of color,” we started tagging posts that featured a BIPOC bride and/or groom — and/or means you’ll find tons of interracial couples in here! Increasing visibility for BIPOC folks has been a priority for us since 2008, and note that we always allow folks to self-identify. More about how and why we do this here.

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Elisa’s Leap Day wedding in Miami

The offbeat bride: Elisa, Secretary/Adjunct Professor/Grad Student cum Rock Star Her offbeat partner: Evan, Sound Engineer/Guitar Player Location & date of wedding: Friend’s home in Miami, FL. 2/29/2008 What made our wedding offbeat: Evan and I spent the whole day together with our bridal party, bucking tradition. We also had a Pagan handfasting, complete with […]

l 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

More from Sarah & Fernando’s punk Hawaiian wedding

Remember this post about the fabulous punk-rock Hawaiian wedding? Well, I found the bride’s wedding MySpace (titled Sarah & Fernando: THE MERGE) and so I’ve got more gorgeous shots for you… (And thanks again to Red Heart Photo for taking such gorgeous photos!)

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Chrissy Wai-Ching’s Puerto Rico wedding

Wai-Ching’s wedding dresses are the stuff of legend here on — but what about Chrissy’s OWN wedding, exactly a year ago today? The offbeat bride: Chrissy Wai-Ching Fashion Designer/Fiber Artist Her offbeat groom: Vasili Zolotov, Software Engineer Location & date of wedding: The Gallery Inn, Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, 12/31/06. What made our […]

rock paper scissors vows alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

I’ll be your rock, paper, AND scissors

Sara and her husband Ev (who you may know as one of the guys who invented Blogger) played a li’l game of rock-paper-scissors at the altar to see who would say their vows first.

Screen shot 2012 08 19 at 10.54.57 AM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Rei & Bryan’s forest elopement

“My husband & I eloped in my woodman friend’s backyard, which was a huge tract of natural land. We were married between a shagbark hickory (signifying solidity & strength) and a beautiful white pine, the Tree of Peace among the Iroquois Indians.”