Why we had a very, very gay wedding (not “just a wedding”)
One of the arguments we hear a lot is that weddings aren’t “gay” or “straight,” they’re just weddings. Of course, that’s true… but our wedding was also very, very gay, and that was one of our favorite things about it!
In the fight for marriage equality, there’s a risk that the thing that makes queer lives different will get lost in the shuffle. We wanted to celebrate the gayness of gay weddings and the importance of our broad family-of-choice to our lives. We ended up writing the following passage and printing it in our wedding program:
Val & Krys’ Americana-style blues party
Two extremely organized ladies who know how to rock an Excel spreadsheet are bound to know how to prioritize their wedding needs. And that includes a fab open bar, natch. Add in the adorable guest book wedding quilt, the tiny tuxedo-ed pooch, hilarious drag king officiant, and snazzy wedding garb, and you’ve got this adorable San Fran wedding.
What’s a bride to wear if you like playing with gender expectations?
My fiance loves to wear a bow tie and suit jacket, and equally loves to wear little dresses — and she’s at an absolute loss as to what to wear for our July 2014 wedding! She’s got a faux-hawk with the sides of her head shaved, and loves playing with gender expectations. Sometimes she’s soft-butch, sometimes she’s femme.
Dean & Matt’s classy “gaymer’s crash a gastropub” wedding
Retro video game photo booth props, a Mario cake, Plants Vs. Zombies cupcakes, and a chic gastropub in New York City… it’s a GAYmer wedding gone sophisticated! After a big snafu just getting to the venue, it was smooth sailing for the rest of the night (even if a TON of tears were shed). Get your achievement by clicking on this wedding and finding all the adorable gamer details.