Category Archive

bisexual / pansexual

While Offbeat Wed shares posts across the full LGBTQA spectrum, this is our category for posts featuring folks who identify as bisexual or pansexual. (We know they’re not the same thing, but the issues folks deal with can be similar.)

nerdy new zealand handfasting on offbeat wed 19 scaled alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Check the purple wedding dress at this intimate nerdy New Zealand handfasting

One Tinder date, one bold proposal, and one backyard later, Tamara and Ryan’s celestial nerd-fest wedding was pure magic. Think: walking down the aisle to The Corpse Bride in high-heeled Doc Martens, a giant D20 dictating vow order, and a sword exchange featuring Frostmourne and Ashoka’s dual sabers. It was the ultimate nerdy love spell… and yes, they rolled a Nat20.

transgender lesbian wedding Lily Guillen Photo18 scaled alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

This transgender lesbian wedding had a PB&J unity sandwich

We were high school sweethearts! I asked Cassandra on our first date because I wanted her to take me to prom, but I planned to split up when she left for college in the fall. We’ve been glued together for eight years now.

rachel jason alabama 17 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

These two adorable Swifties had a farm wedding in Alabama

Jason’s vows were gorgeous! He even came out officially as a Swiftie (that’s my fault). He is made of so much gentleness that sometimes, I forget the bad. Our first dance was to “Sweet Nothing” by Taylor Swift – he had cried the first time I asked him to listen to that song.

d and d interfaith wedding 7 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Devotions & Dragons: a Jewish/Christian interfaith wedding

Our wedding was as eclectic as Jordan and I are ourselves! I am Christian and Jordan is Jewish so, while we only had a Rabbi at the ceremony, she made sure to highlight our interfaith relationship. The general theme of the wedding was the game that brought me and Jordan together nearly 6 years ago: Dungeons & Dragons!