Check the purple wedding dress at this intimate nerdy New Zealand handfasting
One Tinder date, one bold proposal, and one backyard later, Tamara and Ryan’s celestial nerd-fest wedding was pure magic. Think: walking down the aisle to The Corpse Bride in high-heeled Doc Martens, a giant D20 dictating vow order, and a sword exchange featuring Frostmourne and Ashoka’s dual sabers. It was the ultimate nerdy love spell… and yes, they rolled a Nat20.
This transgender lesbian wedding had a PB&J unity sandwich
We were high school sweethearts! I asked Cassandra on our first date because I wanted her to take me to prom, but I planned to split up when she left for college in the fall. We’ve been glued together for eight years now.
These two adorable Swifties had a farm wedding in Alabama
Jason’s vows were gorgeous! He even came out officially as a Swiftie (that’s my fault). He is made of so much gentleness that sometimes, I forget the bad. Our first dance was to “Sweet Nothing” by Taylor Swift – he had cried the first time I asked him to listen to that song.
Devotions & Dragons: a Jewish/Christian interfaith wedding
Our wedding was as eclectic as Jordan and I are ourselves! I am Christian and Jordan is Jewish so, while we only had a Rabbi at the ceremony, she made sure to highlight our interfaith relationship. The general theme of the wedding was the game that brought me and Jordan together nearly 6 years ago: Dungeons & Dragons!