Bridal suit shopping because I’m a combo platter of femininity and masculine traits
I tried on a couple of the dresses and felt more uncomfortable than I have felt since the fifth grade, when I allowed a girl to put makeup on my face for the first time. I saw the beauty in it — it just didn’t feel right. Why did I want to wear a dress? All I could think about was my desire not to fulfill a stereotype that I actually fit into — the dress/pants lesbian wedding. Was that worth the discomfort that I knew I would encounter on what is supposed to be the best day of my life? NO. Time to look for a new plan.
Jenny GG: The super-amazeballs talented, LGBT-friendly, discount-offering, Seattle wedding photographer
There are soooo many reasons we love wedding photographer Jenny GG. Find out all the reasons, and you’ll see why Offbeat Brides have been booking Jenny since 2009!
Krys & Kayla’s fairy tale castle wedding
When the bride told her groom that she had always wanted a fairy tale-style wedding in a castle, this groom didn’t hesitate to do everything in his power to make it happen. And happen it did. Get ready for a fabulous castle venue, super helpful family (and hairstyling clients!), and a yummy list of food to round out this gorgeous day.
Who cares who leads? Non-gendered first dance ideas for all
My brother-in-law — who has never danced himself — once told me that it is only natural in dancing that the man leads and the woman follows. Having taught many partner dance classes, from Swing to French Folk, I can tell you that that is completely and utterly untrue. Of course there is nothing wrong with the “man leads, woman follows shuffle”-type first dance, but not every wedding involves one man and one woman. And even for those who do, there are many options beyond the traditional first dance…