Love wins at this stunning beach wedding (despite tons of rain!)
Stefanie and Erica planned a stunning beach wedding in Aptos (a small town just north of Santa Cruz known for its amazing beach and beach houses). What they didn’t know was that rain would be the order of the day as well. As in, tons of rain. At one point, waves washed away the ceremony site just hours before the wedding! Here’s what happened…
How we’re talking to religious guests unsure if they want to attend our lesbian wedding
Now, you and I both know that it’s the same as any other wedding (or as different as every other wedding, as the case may be). But within our community, it’s kind of a rare thing. I mean, this will be MY first two-bride wedding! We have specific people who have issues with our relationship for religious reasons and I wanted to offer a non-confrontational way to talk about that subject and maybe squeeze out a few “yeses” from those who are on the fence.
“Who’s the ‘groom’ in your lesbian wedding?” Gender stereotypes and assumptions with gay weddings
“So, who’s the guy in your relationship?” This question (or versions of it) is one of the more common questions posed to lesbian couples and the most frustrating. The reverse is true of male couples. While most people have posed this question with absolutely no malice or agenda, people in same-sex relationships (including myself) can get kind of huffy about it. That is not always helpful, so lets talk about that question.
What makes a wedding “real”: Why our gay wedding will be traditional
Same-sex weddings are still new enough that a lot of people wonder how different they will be compared to a straight wedding. I suspect that some straight people automatically think that all queers are alternative, counter-culture types and in their minds gay wedding = rainbow musical theatre circus. But here’s why our gay wedding will be relatively traditional…