Even more tattooed brides
This thread over on Livejournal almost made my head explode with all the gorgeousness of the brides with tattoos. No seriously. These brides are each gorgeous without the ink, but the tattoos enhance the beauty times fifty infinity gazillion. Tasha Hundahl: Unknown bride with Exploding Dog tattoo and amazing hair: LJ user Alexisforever: Head over […]
What role of honor should my friend have?
My partner and I have decided to only have our siblings in the wedding party, which is great.
However, I have a great friend that I would like to include in some sort of role of honor.
Any ideas what this role could be?
Laurie’s Big Fat Geek Wedding!
The offbeat bride: Laurie, Admin. Asst. My offbeat groom: Santiago, Quality Control Engineer Location & date of wedding: April 1, 2007. Methuen Memorial Music Hall in Methuen, MA for ceremony / Springstep dance & arts complex in Medford, MA for reception What made our wedding offbeat: We had a very DIY wedding, with tons of […]
Melissa’s wedding at the Uptight Wedding Chapel (ha!)
The offbeat bride: Melissa, Web Master My offbeat groom: John, Network Admin Location & date of wedding: Uptight Wedding Chapel in Trenton, MI, April 23, 2005 What made our wedding offbeat: Mostly we bucked tradition. Not even in a huge, flamboyant way. But it drove the chapel owner/managers crazy and the minister refused to speak […]