Hilarious video about the “wedding tax” on wedding flowers
This cracked me up — except for the part at the end where the bride growls “I WANT WEDDING FLOWERS.” Fuck that stereotypical shit.
Melissa’s rainy rural wedding with the biggest bonfire evar!
I’m trying to get caught up on my backlog of bride profiles — so this week it’s wall-to-wall wedding porn for y’all. Enjoy! The offbeat bride: Melissa, Student My offbeat groom: Jon, Student/Retail Location & date of wedding: Jon’s Parent’s HUGE yard in rural Manitoba, Canada. June 23, 2007 What made our wedding offbeat: Our […]
Wedding cue cards
I love that the groom matched the theme with his red mohawk — but I’m especially smitten by the fact that a groomsman helped the guests by holding up helpful cue cards during the ceremony.
Pirate wedding
If you’re a fellow fan of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (it’s an underground perfumery in LA), you’ll be as excited as I was to see photos from the founder’s recent pirate-themed wedding in Vegas. Hopefully I can track down more, but for now these will have to do. Click the pix to see ’em big! […]