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Amber two weddings alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Amber’s two weddings — one pagan handfasting, one all-American BBQ

In Offbeat Bride, I talk about the concept of having two weddings — this couple took that concept to the extreme! Opposites really do attract — and get married.

1165462441 fa834b6d3d b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Floral hairstyle

I wish you could see a bit more of the bride’s hair in this shot — she’s got some amazing styling going on what with hot-rolled chunks rolling over sunflowers and daisies and then little wild tendrils all over.

The style is casual and perfect for late summer/autumn weddings. I love it and wish I could see a bit more of what was going on … still, inspiring!

Ceremony 89 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Internet ordained ministers: how to officiate your friend’s wedding (LEGALLY!)

Maybe you’ve heard of places like Universal Life Church, but here’s why you should know about American Marriage Ministries, too – they might be just the right fit for you.

rock paper scissors vows alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

I’ll be your rock, paper, AND scissors

Sara and her husband Ev (who you may know as one of the guys who invented Blogger) played a li’l game of rock-paper-scissors at the altar to see who would say their vows first.

christina alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Christina’s Seattle church wedding and grungey bar reception

The offbeat bride: Christina, Architect/intern My offbeat groom: Michael, Musician/vintage furniture salesman Location & date of wedding: Ceremony at Trinity Church and reception at Sunset Tavern, both in Seattle, June 2007. What made our wedding offbeat: We tried to do things our way and not get caught up in everything we “had to have” for […]

astronaut themed wedding as seen on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Lifting off together: when you have a themed astronaut wedding!

We love the space theme at Christine and Cameron’s astronaut wedding in Portland! Judging by the date stamps on the photos, it looks like it happened at dawn — just like you would expect from a shuttle launch. In this shot, the two newlyweds prepare for take-off as man and wife, how much do we […]