Why you should elope and/or party down with Seattle wedding photographer Jenny GG
We love wedding photographer Jenny GG! And not just because she hails from Ariel’s hometown of Seattle, or because she’s been a sponsor since 2009(!), but mostly because she’s super-amazeballs talented and always produces fabulous wedding porn. Let’s all take a minute to look over some of her latest fabulous wedding porn (including a photo I can NOT STOP staring at), remember again why we love her so, AND talk about her new Offbeat Bride discount…
Ditch the photo guest book and ask your artistic guests to draw self-portraits
We went into an art store and came across a photography-themed journal filled with illustrations of cameras, photo-taking paraphernalia, and blank “frames.” It gave us the idea to ask our guests to draw self-portraits. We allowed lots of space for our guests (many of them artists) to fill it in with their artwork and signatures and colored Sharpies added to the fun.
Laura & David’s DIY hippie geeky wedding
You know the saying, “They broke the mould when they made you” often applies to Offbeat Brides. DIY, tattoos, petals, suspenders, outdoors, love, this wedding has it all. Plus, a Batman garter, a lemon tree, and a sweet spread of mini pies. It’s not easy to sum it up in a few words, but it’s definitely authentic to their very own broken mould.
Your wedding jewelry can be a memorial keepsake
This necklace actually has a piece of lace from a wedding dress embedded inside resin. The best part is that you could have a piece of your own dress as a keepsake, a piece of someone else’s dress (mom’s, grandma’s, etc.) to wear AT the wedding, or make a few and pass them out as bridesmaids’ or mother-of-the-bride gifts. This got me thinking: what other wedding jewelry could serve as a memorial? Let’s check out what we found.