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sjf0282 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kids plot their grand wedding escape: a bedtime story

Once upon a time, in a land of tulle and sequins, young children donned tight suits and itchy dresses. They bumped into legs on dance floors, and found nary a puppy to pet or game to play. Vegetables were offered, kissing was happening, and the cake seemed like it would never get cut. They were at… a wedding.

pi day wedding as seen on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

3.14159 reasons to love Pi-Day weddings (and pies!)

It’s Pi Day! We’ve featured several Pi Day weddings, and we want to celebrate the day by sharing both our favorite kinds of Pi and pie.

sfw 030513 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Audrey & Etienne’s French cheese-loving wedding at a ski resort

Let’s travel to France for, oh, just a little ol’ wedding in a ski lodge in the Alps. It’s complete with cheese-laden catering, a hot chocolate bar, and geeky Star Wars details to make sure that we’re all over this. Your foodie/geeky/dream vacation is here in wedding form, my friends. As if you needed any more temptation, you’ll want to see how they picked their honeymoon destination and how the bride gets everyone’s attention for her speech!

alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

“Oh, I’d never do that” or how getting married has turned me into a liar

Apparently when you tell friends and family that you’re happy the way you are and that you can take it or leave it (“it” being matrimonial bliss), that you’re out of yo’ damn mind. But that’s not what makes me a liar, since I’m still stickin’ to my guns that I’d not made any sweeping declarations regarding marriage. But still… in the past month or so, I’ve been scratching my head about and thinking “Huh. I am such a liar.”