Daniel and Sauce were the first LGBTQ wedding at the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia. And let me tell you, their adorableness combined with that epic venue means this wedding will not disappoint. I had a perma-smile the entire time I looked at these photos. Daniel and Sauce are magnetic with their obvious love, match-y glasses, bow ties, and suspenders, and infectious laughter.
I'm jealous of photographers BeauMonde Originals for getting a first-hand view of these shenanigans. Between the carousel, photo booth-style cutouts, backdrops, and toys at the museum, I'm sure there was never a moment that didn't need photographic proof. There's even a fantastic video to start you off:

This couple manages to combine a lot of inspiration, some eco-DIY love, and a dose of tradition into a bitchin' barn wedding. And after seeing... Read more

The awesome vendors:
- Photography and videography: BeauMonde Originals
- Event planner: cHill weddings
- Floral designer: Papertini
- Reception venue: The Please Touch Museum
- Cake designer: Van Earl's Cakes
- DJ: Roots & Groove
- Sauce's wedding gift/watch: Kenneth Cole Reaction
Offbeat Wed Vendor
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OMFG! I want to live at this wedding!
I just died from the cute! Sweetest thing EVAR.
Adorable <3
OMG CUTEST WEDDING EVER! I love how sweet the couple looks together, the way they look at each other… It’s so adorable. LOVE
(why didn’t I think of a childrens museum? that rocks!)
SO MUCH AWESOME *mindblown with cuteness! So much love!
Just made me smile. Have a wonderful life together!!
I would love to be a guest at a wedding this fun!
Omigosh! Ya know how a little kid sometimes acts when they see a commercial for a silly new toy? How they’re bouncing with excitement and declaring “Mommy! I NEED that!!!”… that’s kinda how I feel looking at these pictures. This absolutely stinks of super fun fantastic time!
I can’t even handle how amazing this is right now.
I need to go dance.
Does anyone know the name of the song in the video? I want to download it so whenever I listen to it I will see gorgeous pastel-colored wedding images in my head… O_o
YES! What is that song?!
“Tell Me a Tale” by Michael Kiwanuka.
Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTa28a8QKo4
LOVElovelove the Please Touch Museum – what a great venue for a wedding!
So much smoochy love and ear-to-ear grinning, and the dancing! And the adorable details! Funnest wedding ever!
SQUEEEL!!! Too much cuteness!!! Congrats!
Everything about this wedding is great. The smiles, the decor, the food, the laughing friends, everything. I love that there is not one picture where someone isn’t laughing or at least smiling. I feel the love through these pictures. I hope they have an amazing life together.
OMG!!!! thank you SOOOO much for featuring this wedding! It was by far one of our ALL time FAVS!!! Their love really is so sweet. I had tears in my eyes while capturing the whole ceremony. They are such a special pair!!
My husband and our main videographer did an awesome job with their teaser film too- the song is called Tell me a Tale by Michael Kiwanuka
I love seeing everyones comments!! Thanks
Won’t it be wonderful when we can say simply “this wedding at a children’s museum wins the internet today” (because it DOES!) because the “gay” part is irrelevant? Looking forward to that day!
We’ve actually addressed this issue several times in the past. Here’s the most relevant post.
Read more.
Ariel, I wasn’t trying to be critical at all. I get it about the use of labels to help searches and all that. I was more thinking along the lines of this quote:
“It’s very dear to me, the issue of gay marriage. Or as I like to call it: ‘marriage.’ You know, because I had lunch this afternoon, not gay lunch. I parked my car; I didn’t gay park it.”
– Liz Feldman
It’s certainly true that two men or women getting hitched is more novel than the one man/one woman variety, and I’ll admit that the words “gay marriage” did grab my eyeballs because it’s not something you see every day. I’m just looking forward to the day when gay marriage isn’t a novelty and IS something you see every day. 🙂
Sorry if I came across as judgy about the terminology – I wasn’t trying to be.
I’m just looking forward to the day when gay marriage isn’t a novelty and IS something you see every day.
I totally understand what you’re saying and share your hopes for marriage equality, but the issue for me is that we’re not using “gay” for novelty value in the title. It’s not used for novelty any more than “children’s museum” is. Sometimes words are just descriptors, and when it comes to headlines, descriptors are useful.
I had gay lunch.
If it helps, I definitely knew what you meant… I jokingly called it our big queer pirate wedding, and now it’s our pirate wedding because it occurred to me where I was putting the emphasis… and when you give people the option to ask about ‘queer’ or ‘pirate’ I’d much rather talk about the 80 year old vessel that’s been on the amazing race show!
I love this all so much, you can really feel the playfulness this couple has, except the first pic I was like “OH GOD THE ARCHITECTURE HAS GONE TERRIBLY WRONG!” I felt like it was that scene in the simpsons where the town tries to build Flander’s a new house after the hurricane.. Alice in Wonderland is amazing. I’m so happy that you got to have such a great day in such a great venue!
I LOVE this wedding. Everything from the boutineers to the table assignments are just outright ADORABLE! These two should become wedding planners!!
thanks for the vendor badge shout out! we LOVE being part of the Offbeat Family!!!
This is the most adorably amazing wedding ever! You can just feel love radiating through the pictures. <3
That is so sweet my dentist is going to have a panic attack the next time she ses me.
Wow this is so cute/amasing/deliciously crazy! Those guys look so sweet 🙂
I need to lay down everything here is so cute.
I love their love – this wedding is wonderful. <3
Gah! Those tea party pictures! So perfect!
Wow. Everything about this is epic! And the grooms are so adorable. I kind of want to move into this museum…
The details that went into this wedding are phenomenal! Much love to these men and their families!
This wedding was just AMAZING! I love everything about it from the floral suspenders to the OMG dancing in front of a freaking carousel!!! Thank you so much for sharing this. The laughter and smiles in the pictures warmed my heart and I hope my wedding is half as awesome-sauce as this!
Aaaaaagggghhhh these pictures totally made me cry with joy. That picture of the grooms kissing on the carousel…I lost it! Just too wonderful! So much love, so much happiness, so much sweetness, so genuine…huge congrats to the handsome couple! You did it!!!
(still sniffling…It’s possible I’m at my looking-at-wedding-pics cutoff, being a mere 2 weeks away from my own)
Their invitations look like mine… Waaaah.
Wow, I really almost teared up looking that these photos! I wish all the best for this couple who are so clearly in love!!
I do have one question. The photo frames where they had the table names and pictures in, WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE?? I have seem them all over pinterest and elsewhere but I can’t seem to find anywhere to buy them! Someone help!
I want to steal all of the ideas from this wonderful wedding!
You’ll be happy to hear those white table number frames are like 99 cents at any Ikea! (That’s why everyone, including me, uses em for their wedding). Not everyone is as lucky as us Philly peeps to have 2 Ikeas, so you can probably also find them used on eBay if there’s no store near you.
Lara you are amazing and just made my day!! My fiance is looking at me like I am crazy because I am cheering and dancing around.
Thanks sooooo much!
What an adorable, whimsical wedding! You can tell they had a blast!
Wow – what a cute couple and a fab venue. That paella presentation is something else.
I have fallen in love with the postcard guest book! Can you tell me, did they find a stamp or font, or printed out that cute little poem on the postcard on the table?
This is absolutely perfect! I love all of the colors. Such a colorful feast for the eyes and that love that is shared in EVERY picture is beautiful. I love your cake! I love the simplicity but it’s also very unique. We also got to ride a carousel on our wedding day! We share that and it’s such an awesome moment!! Congrats! <3 <3 xoxox
I know this is old, but I just found it, and WOW. Such a great wedding, a great venue, and a cute couple.
this is STILL one of my fav weddings we shot EVER!!
For some reason or another, I can’t see all of this content, the text keeps hiding? Are you utilizing something crazy?