A wine box (sometimes known as a unity box) at wedding ceremonies often holds letters the couple wrote to each other, a bottle of wine, and two glasses, meant to be opened on a special anniversary. We love this idea, but there's no reason you can't shake up what goes inside. Kara and Gary created a wine box with their own spin: more letters, homemade mead, skeleton keys, and gifts! Here's the scoop:
Gary's dad built the unity box and my dad made the hinges. Our three mothers contributed letters, and Gary's uncle brewed us a special bottle of mead. Gary and I also put letters and a small gift inside. The box was then locked with two vintage padlocks, and we each now wear our skeleton keys ensuring that in order to open the box we both must be present. We intend to open it on our fifth anniversary, and replace the current gifts with new gifts for our next milestone anniversary.
Instead of wine, you could add in your favorite Jones soda flavor or home-brewed lager. Maybe your kids add in their own letters. Anything goes.
Don't forget to check out Kara and Gary's fantasy fairy tale heavy metal wedding, which has loads of cool details like this.
Also check out our tag archive of wine box unity ceremonies for EVEN MORE inspiration!
I love love love it! I am obsessed with the idea of a wine box ceremony. My FH and I have discussed putting wine and some of a legal-in-WA plant in ours. Can’t wait!