Search Results for: lasertron

fdggg 062712 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Rachelle & Eric’s rainy improv-tastic casual cookout wedding

This couple may have gotten rained out of their original location, but an obliging firehouse ended up being an awesome substitute. As far as reception entertainment goes, this wedding wins all around: stand-up comedy, live improv, piñata bashing, and musical chairs! Plus, the story about the bride’s grandmother making her cake had me fighting the tears. Enjoy your Fourth of July with this Fourth of July cookout wedding!

6148064538 6a42dced38 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Melaina & Nick’s colorful playful and kid-friendly wedding

After hiring him to color her comics, he colored her world. D’aw! And a theme was born: color! That, along with everything playful and awesome, makes this artsy and geeky wedding a feast for the eyes and fun for all ages. Though a few mishaps were born of Hurricane Irene, somehow it all came together in the end.

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Bex & Cort’s big queer Jewish wedding

Bex and Cort planned a fab outdoor ceremony complete with lots of traditional and alternative takes on Jewish traditions, and were both fashion plates on top of it. Lots of laughter (including dad’s “presentation” speech and mad emcee skills) and lots of personalization made this day all theirs.

6327347147 47f6f860cf alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

3 ways to hack your IKEA cake server

I picked up this set of plain, white, plastic cake servers at IKEA for $5.99. I cut my cake with these bad jacksons and all was well. But almost everything is a blank canvas to a crafter, especially when it’s priced affordably, so I’ve put together three customized serving sets fit for an offbeat celebration. These were all achieved in one evening using materials found at a major craft store.

5683570897 2fd41b5992 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jen & David’s laid-back Tennessee barbecue wedding

These two were not getting married — no way, no how. Except then they did, which made the whole shebang offbeat in itself. On top of that, they opted for a casual, outdoor ceremony with some kick-ass barbecue afterwards from the local joint they love. It was simple, small, and perfect for these two, who exemplify our simple weddings week.

desert alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Monday Montage: historically-inspired wedding outfits of epic proportions

After browsing the Offbeat Bride Flickr pool this week, I started obsessing over all of these fabulously ornate and historically influenced wedding costumes. Let me tell you, the details on these outfits are impressive. Now, I share with you a couple of fabulous Renn Faire dresses, some stately steampunk gear, and two fantastic vintage duos.