The Offbeat Flickr Pool was full of Steampunk, kissy faces, and ring monkeys. It's an eclectic mix that makes me super happy in this Monday Montage.
Amazing Steampunk fabulousness at Martine's wedding in London.
Kristie and Jacinda perform the traditional tie-grabbing ceremony to seal the deal. As Kristie says, “she's mine now!”
On a very different, beach-y note, here's Mari and Jeff getting blown away by some crazy wind. Good thing it forced them into making the most adorable faces.
Tribe member Sweetpea found glassware bliss in these aluminum cups that matched her wedding colors. Plus she scored toasting glasses from Goodwill. And check out the herb-infused sea salt favors. Such a good mix!
Sweetpea's ring monkey assisted in their ring warming ceremony and frankly looks pretty good in the groom's bad-ass carbon fiber ring.

After having very traditional first weddings, this couple knew that this time around, the whole shebang was going to be totally personalized. Plus, it's in... Read more
Laura Beth and Jesse found themselves up a creek, but in a good way, at their elopement. And if you want to see how an elopement gets DID, there's even a superbly-made video!
Just one more shot of Laura Beth and Jesse, this time in front of a super pretty aquarium. I'm getting “Under the Sea” flashbacks.
If I could pick the perfect hazy wedding weather, this would be it. Lane and Jason look fantastic with the headpiece and hat, suspenders and jewel-toned dress. Perfection.
Tanya and Wogan find a different kind of perfection while their wedding party looks on. And there's a little explosion of details going on here: handfasting cords, ribboned hair, button bouquet… so fun.
This week's Clicky Links:
- What we've pinned this week: tiered cotton candy, a lush red heart cake, and Harry Potter-inspired invitations and proposal idea.
- This guy takes a literal leap to propose to his girl. (He's a professional folks, don't try this at home. But DO watch it!)
- If you're into Steampunk and also into fine liquor, Baron bon Bar is your man. Featured at GeeksAreSexy, he is a living, fully-functional bar for all your cosplay/dranking needs!
- This R2-D2 cake from The Uncommon Cakery is epic. Seriously realistic and looks delish.
- There's always room for Jello at a wedding in the form of these spiked and fancy shots.
Hey, photographers! I love you and do my best to attribute all Monday Montage photos, but sometimes brides don't include your info when they submit photos. If I've featured your work but it isn't properly credited, email me!
Also, if you're submitting your rockin' photos to the Flickr Pool, make sure they're public so we can post them! Click here for a how-to.
Those jewel tones in that hazy day dress are divine!
Please tell me where that gorgeous aforementioned jewel toned dress came from! It’s AMAZING.
Awesome aquarium picture! I loves me some pretty fishies and cute folk smooching.
I think that Jesse looks like a Hobbit jumping across the creek and I love it!
This may be a little to late to be helpful, but the jewel toned dress was a custom design by Phia Dedes. She doesn’t have a website, but you can check out some of here hats here: