![12 men's wedding bands to blow your dude's mind - geeky, classic, and more! [UPDATED!] 1 from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride) The Gandalftm Mens Wedding Rings alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)](https://offbeatwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/The-Gandalftm-Mens-Wedding-Rings-1080x1080.jpg)
Women's wedding bands come in all shapes, sizes, colors and styles, and a lot of the time men's choices are boiled down to “gold” or “white gold.” So, I thought I'd do a roundup to encourage the guys to live it up a little. Here are some of my favorite men's wedding bands with some serious style and funky trends.
You'll find some classic styles from Blue Nile, plus some of the Lord of the Rings styles from Manly Bands, and some super geeky gamer styles from Metal Wendler.
Psst: These styles would look amazing for women's wedding bands, too. Click on the images or the captions to find out where to buy these rings!
![12 men's wedding bands to blow your dude's mind - geeky, classic, and more! [UPDATED!] 2 from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride) the one ring lord of the rings wedding band manly bands offbeat wed alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)](https://offbeatwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/the-one-ring-lord-of-the-rings-wedding-band-manly-bands-offbeat-wed.jpg)
![12 men's wedding bands to blow your dude's mind - geeky, classic, and more! [UPDATED!] 3 from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride) mens wedding bands](https://offbeatwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Kingdom-Hearts-Paopu-Fruit-Mens-Wedding-Band-by-metal-wendler-on-offbeat-wed.jpg)
![12 men's wedding bands to blow your dude's mind - geeky, classic, and more! [UPDATED!] 4 from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride) gimli lord of the rings mens wedding bands from manly bands alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)](https://offbeatwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/gimli-lord-of-the-rings-mens-wedding-bands-from-manly-bands-1080x1080.jpg)
![12 men's wedding bands to blow your dude's mind - geeky, classic, and more! [UPDATED!] 5 from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride) geek mens wedding band from metal wendler on offbeat wed alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)](https://offbeatwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/geek-mens-wedding-band-from-metal-wendler-on-offbeat-wed.jpg)
If you looked at all these men's wedding bands and STILL didn't find what you want… there's hope!
These are our faves, but maybe our readers have better taste than we do… you can find out for yourself by checking out the masculine wedding bands that are real-time trending with our readers in the Offbeat Wed Shop‘s masculine wedding band section.
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Love the band with the wood inlay! I have never seen one that looks as nice as that… often they look sort of cheap (Aka the wood looks more like plastic).
My husband has one that looks like this: http://www.irishcelticjewels.com/celtic-wedding/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/celtic-warrior-wedding-ring.jpg and we both love it.
Ha, I was about to post an almost identical ring that is my husband’s wedding band!
My husband has this one in white gold:
And I have its match with half the width:
Love it! My husband and I both have the Celtic ring featured above (ours are tungsten with silver filigree) and I have to replace mine. Love it, but I was always taking it off to dry after washing dishes, handwashing, et cetera and it was lost. Yours look to be higher quality and I like the narrower width for the lady ring.
The ring I am getting my fiancé is stainless steel and concrete! I figured the manlier it was the more likely he would be to wear it( willingly).
Whoa! Concrete? That’s rad. Any pics?
This is where the stainless steel and concrete ring is.
I gave my husband two wedding rings. One is a brushed titanium band with a silver inlay for an everyday ring, which can be found here: http://www.amazon.com/Titanium-Comfort-Wedding-Beveled-Available/dp/B000U7WPDI/ref=pd_sbs_jw_1/offbeatbride-20. The other one – his ‘dress’ ring – was a variation of the third one listed, which can be found here: http://www.amazon.com/Tungsten-Carbide-BLACK-Carbon-Fiber/dp/B003AUF57U/ref=pd_sbs_jw_1/offbeatbride-20.
I can personally attest to the fact that both rings are absolutely GORGEOUS. Both rings I got on Amazon.com, and both were ridiculously cheap for the quality. Some jewelry stores will try to charge hundreds of dollars for tungsten carbide or titanium rings, but purchasing online is truly the way to go, because you’ll get an equally good product for so much less money.
He really likes both rings, and I like the fact that I was able to incorporate his love of fast cars and airplanes (both of which can contain carbon fiber and/or titanium) in his wedding rings.
Our bands are Damascus Steel – which is what some of the best swords in the world are made of. Here’s what we have, though there’s tons of others out there:
.. I found the same rings on eBay for half the price, BTW.
As much as I love these options (and perused them in advance of my own wedding), I personally went with meteorite! as fast as carbon fiber may be, did it fall through space for millions of years? ; )
The guy at the site below even offers discounts if both partners want a ring from him. Ours were a particular highlight of our science-tastic wedding experiment.
As a wise sage once said, Ain’t nobody bad like the Meteor Man.
My husband got a titanium and meteorite ring from Boone Rings, I believe, and happily tells everyone all about it! He is so proud of it! A funny aside: We had the ring boxed up for a bit before the wedding, and when we pulled it out a few weeks before, the meteorite had rusted a little! Luckily, the jeweler told us how to clean it (and offered to send a new one). Now that it gets worn every day, it’s fine.
I keep hearing good things about Boone Rings! I hope they know they’re getting good word of mouth referrals.
I also got my fiance’s ring from Arizona Skies Meteorite! My guy loves it too and often will stop and look at it and say “dude! My ring is an effing meteorite! A METEORITE!” He’s had it for a year and he’s still entranced by the geekyness of it. LOVE!
hi, my fiance also wants a ring from Arizona Skies Meterorite, but i wanted to ask you how well it wears. has it gotten rusty at all or changed color? thanks so much!
Just found out that the reason that solid black tungsten band is such a great deal is because they only have it available in a size 12. 🙁
Bummer! They do have the same ring in the 8mm size in ALL sizes! Perhaps I should change to that one in the roundup.
My husband and I made each other’s rings out of coins using instructions we found on the internet. His is made from a silver half-dollar and mine is made from a quarter. Both coins are from the year of his birth (because by my birth year, the coins had copper in them). The best part (besides that they were really cheap) is they look like a matching set and on the inside the word “Liberty” and the year still remain.
WHAT!? That’s freaking rad! We need pics, if not an entire feature about this process.
Awesome! When we were just dating my husband made me a ring from a coin that he hammered with a spoon over a couple weeks then dremeled out the center. Unfortunately it isn’t silver so it turned my finger green for a bit, but I’m going to ask him to make me a new one or get it dipped in silver.
They are very cool and easy to make.
Wow that is really cool that you made your rings. My husbands ring has a band of meteorite in the center. He is a star wars/scifi fan so I thought it would be perfect for him. He loves it!
I just started surfing rings and found this really cool Etsy shop. This isn’t where we got our meteorite ring but they do have some. http://www.etsy.com/shop/jewelrybyjohan
My fiance’s ring has diamonds in it, and I was so happy to learn that he wanted some bling! It’s a wedding ring, it should be fancy-pants.
My fiancé got a Tungsten Carbide Band, this one to be exact: http://www.kay.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product1%7C10101%7C10001%7C-1%7C25164750199%7C15051%7C15051.15058.15114
He keeps trying to wear it now, so I guess he <3 it's! 🙂
You want good wood grain in a ring? Check out Minter and Richter on etsy:
They’re way more awesome.
We ordered our cement rings from Minter and Richter!
Ringninja.com is also a great site!
This is who we are getting my fiance’s ring as well. No wood for us, but I love the ring we are getting.
My husband and I got our engagement and wedding rings from Minter and Richter. Both sets match and are lovely! I especially love that my rings are almost weightless. We have a bloodwood inlay in our engagement rings and custom birch in our wedding rings. They were great to order from.
My father works at Zales and while shopping for things for my man over the years, he has been very helpful in pointing out what is and what is not a good kind to get (he obviously sees the returns and repairs). Tungsten gets scratches very easily and when it is scratched the original color comes through. So I think that black tungsten may be a bad idea because you will be able to easily see the scratches. Also, I’m not sure about rings, but I know when I was looking at a bracelet with the carbon fiber inlay, my father cautioned me against it since he said that the glass on top tends to pop out (same for wood inlays). Again, since it is a ring, there may not be an issue, but I would ask someone at a jewelry store for their honest opinion. You also want to look into if the ring can be re-sized (like that wood one and riverstone one). Sad state of life is that many people tend to get pudgier when we get older and a resize may be needed. My own father had to get his ring cut off his finger. Just some ideas. If you really want to get him a ring forever, you want to make sure you can resize as needed.
Your dad is giving out bad information about tungsten carbide. My dad also worked at Zales, so I know their motivation is to get people to buy products they carry and discourage purchases of offbeat jewelry.
Tungsten carbide is about a 9 on the Mohs hardness scale–about the same as a sapphire. Gold, silver, and platinum range between 2 and 4–those are the metals that scratch easily.
It could be that your dad is just repeating the company line, but it’s bad information. You’re better off doing your own research about different materials than asking someone in a jewelry store. They will tell you whatever you need to hear in order to spend lots of money there. Buying a $50 tungsten carbide ring online doesn’t help their business at all, so they’re going to scare you away from it.
Fabuluster on etsy will always have our heard for men’s rings. My husband and I got his ring through them. My fingerprint, his fingerprint, and our daughter’s fingerprint, are all inside the band. They’re very wonderful to work with too. We placed a deposit six months in advance, then got too busy to remember to get the fingerprint kit sent back until only about four weeks ahead of the wedding, and they rushed it for us so that we had it with a couple weeks to spare.
I have to chip in with my fiance’s engagement ring, for it is made of awesome:
Yes, the gears move. We went to a Google party, and the whole table stopped talking to watch him fidget with it.
I want one, but they aren’t yet making my size.
My brother in law has that ring. One of the gears broke off, but they sent him a free replacement, so that’s pretty nice.
Wow, that is the best ring I’ve ever seen.
My husband and I got married about a week ago, and both of us got kinekt rings as our wedding bands. It was the one piece of jewelry we were both willing to wear and we’re super happy with them. We were a bit worried about how they are going to age, but with a lifetime warranty we figured we could risk it.
My Husband has the Tungsten Carbide ring. It’s incredibly sexy and suits his personality and style very well.
Also, hells to the yeah it’s affordable!
So, say your guy doesn’t want to wear a ring. What do you do for the ring exchange–ask him to don a ring pop? Hand him a fancy zippo? There’s got to be a good alternative to a ring exchange if I want a ring but he doesn’t…
Anything he would keep on him regularly that is special? How’s about a tattoo/ring tattoo? Or a necklace?
My fiance and I spent last weekend making each other’s wedding rings. I have zero metal working experience, but was able to make the mokume ring he wanted in one (very long) day – with lots of information and patient instruction from Sam Abbay, the teacher. Here’s a photo of mokume http://www.newyorkweddingring.com/photos-wedding-rings-mokume-gane-18k-tri-gold.html If you have any interest in making your own rings and can get to nyc I’d highly recommend this workshop.
This is the ring my fiance picked out for his wedding band! It’s pretty awesome.
I got him an “engagement watch” and it had gears all over it.
He has a bit of a gear fetish.
My fiance is going to have the Celtic Dragon one! I was surprised he liked it given that I am the Irish one. But he thinks its cool and likes it cause it is different.
I need one that looks like like a tire! Any ideas??!
Did someone say ring that looks like a tire!? 😉
The chevron one is a tractor tire….
My fiance got his ring from http://www.kinektdesign.com It is a ring with working gears on it! It looks cool, is unique, and is great for people who fidget or just like to have things to play with!
The “Men’s Tungsten Carbide Ring with red and black carbon fiber inlay” one made me think of Star Wars. I’m bookmarking that one…
Here’s an awesome ring for steam punkers or general gear heads. I’m getting this for my future husband so he can have something to play with. This is also ideal for men who don’t typically like jewelery because it’s like a little toy surprise 🙂
My fiance and I just picked up this 2 tone ring with a diamond for those who like a bit of bling. It’s suprisingly manly for a diamond ring, we’ll wait and see if he enjoys wearing it 🙂
All of these rings are kick ass. And I love the wood inlay but it is so diffult to get them resized! Sigh**
Got my guy a tungsten wedding band kinda like the black one pictured:
his is two-toned though. Great ring.
These are ours, but the site is a great one! Great value and great customer service
I ordered my hubby’s work ring through jvl jewelry. (www.jvljewelry.com)
It came super quick and the best part is I only paid for shipping.
Add a ring to your cart and use promo code “brides” to get a tungsten carbide ring for only $25.
I’ll admit, I was really skeptical about it, but the ring came quick, had no issues with the company, and it is beautiful!
We ordered a wood ring (the ziricote one with white maple inlay) and my hubs2be LOVES IT. He’s wearing it now, before our November wedding. The Etsy sellers are awesome and we loved his so much that I bought one from them for my band too.
We are getting this ring for my fiance. It is titanium and blue! Something really unique and we can’t wait to have it. Wedding is 6 weeks from today!
Etsy seller MinterandRichterDes is making it for us.
We cannot wait to have it!
My FH is a “car guy.” The ring he choose is much like the Celtic one but the inlay is carbon fiber. It suits him perfectly 🙂
has anybody seen any titanium ladies rings that don’t just look like scaled down men’s rings? I like bold shapes and all, but a lil girly touch would be nice : )
Totally! Check out these options while I whip up a new ring roundup with that in mind. 😉
I was totally surprised when FH picked out this ring:
When he told me it was turquoise, I was thinking “Tacky City!” But it’s really nice & suits him.
I got my husband the Celtic Dragon ring and it looks AMAZING. I gave it to him last night as a “just because I’m glad I married you” gift. The gold is covered by some sort of hard clear coat so that it is protected. The color of the gold and the band are contrasting so that it really pops. Love it.
My man and I are nerds through and through … We have Lord of the Rings wedding rings. His is a silver version of The One Ring and mine is Nenya (Galadriel’s ring).
wedding bands come in different designs and styles and also differs from culture to culture. But one thing that is similar among all wedding rings is that it symbolizes the marriage and the wedding vow of a man to a woman he loves or a woman to a man she loves. A ring best represents a wedding band that one should wear to let people know of their marriage. And also wearing all the time makes it a reminder of the vow a person made in marriage.
womens wedding bands
Dear ladies,
I found this blog entry tonight while researching wedding rings for myself as I am getting married soon, and was hoping to chime in to the discussion also.
I’ve come to know about Tungsten Carbide rings only recently when looking for alternate metals after discovering that white gold will require regularly replating etc. which as a bloke wasn’t too appealing for me.
Tungsten Rings are near impossible to find in Australia in the shops to have a look / feel of it.
In my research on the internet I have found Tungsten Wedding Bands from $6.95 to $300+ for the same width, similar design there is such a HUGE price difference. Is there something different in the quality of Tungsten? Why are some brands so much more expensive? What am I missing here in my comparisons?
My hubby and I have kind of matching skull and crossbone rings. Mine came from Zales and it’s black and white diamonds. It was relatively inexpensive but blingy and different. His is silver and tungsten with little diamond accents. The skull was black but was buffed off. His came from Kay. We love them. We know we may not want it forever but to us, as long as we have eachother on our arms it doesn’t matter what is on our finger.
My fiancé and I just got matching mokume gane rings made of copper and silver…you can see mine here: http://www.etsy.com/listing/51726622/thin-mokume-gane-band
His is a couple mm thicker since he is the guy, but otherwise they are both the same style – simple and subtle, but still very pretty. Didn’t originally think about matching, but once we saw these we fell in love; I’m hoping that maybe our actual wedding “upgrade” will be either setting a stone to the existing band, or doing another mokume gane, perhaps in white gold or something.
We’re getting these ones
Here’s my future husband’s ring.
We do indoor rock climbing, and the cable reminds us of the top-roping ropes. 🙂 It’s perfect for him!
I was told tungsten carbide shatters! Has anyone heard about this?
Ok, ok… my wife made jump on here because she really loves the fingerprint men’s wedding ring. But after looking around, I’m digging that black men’s tungsten wedding. Had seen a few when I was searching around for her wedding ring… now I just have to convince her black is cool for weddings. Wish me luck!
So I had received a gift card from JVL jewelry after attending a bridal expo. I checked out the site and they had really nice tungsten and titanium rings. What attracted me to ordering from them is that they have an awesome ALL BLACK TUNGSTEN set for him and her. So cute and very much my style. The prices are decent especially since the gift card covered both rings.
my husband and I just bought this pair and it has gotten so much attention. https://www.etsy.com/listing/97417125/mens-wedding-ring-mens-silver-wedding?ref=shop_home_active
Really liked the style. The down side is we wanted it in gold and this artist doesn’t use gold in her wedding rings. The upside is the silver is much more affordable.
My FH and I purchased the Tungsten Celtic Dragon rings in black on Amazon.
We were super excited about them. I did some more research and discovered that Tungsten has Nickel, despite being labeled as hypoallergenic. For some, I am sure that that would be fine. I, unfortunately, have a severe nickel allergy!
I dislike how the fact that Tungsten has nickel in it is not mentioned except buried in a Wikipedia article! At least that I have seen! I hope this helps anyone with a Nickel allergy!
It’s such a shame! We both loved the rings!
turtleloveco.com has some great ones. That’s where my husband and I got our set, but it’s no longer available.
Yep, we love those guys: http://vendors.offbeatwed.com/listing/turtle-love-co
My Fiance refused to wear a ring for the longest time. He absolutely hates wearing jewelry but I recently got him a ring from this company called ironanblood and he loved it! I think it’s because it’s such a masculine design that he likes it. The company’s website is ironandblood.com I’d definitely recommend.
My research showed that often meteorite rings come with the disclaimer that if it rusts, if you aren’t satisfied, etc, tough luck. Still, I ordered one from Arizona Skies. The ordering process was a nightmare, the owner was rude and unhelpful, and in the end I have a ring with which I am not satisfied but I have no recourse.
On the other hand, I have ordered the gear ring in the past and their customer service is amazing. They will offer to exchange a ring, help you if something goes wrong with shipping or you need to make an exchange. You are ordering a ring for a lifetime! Make sure you are ordering from a company you trust who will respect your business.
I’m trying to stay away from cheaper rings cause – “You get what you pay for” and they probably use cheaper materials to make the ring, which can even cause skin reactions. I was going to get a Titanium ring with wood inlay, but then read somewhere that Tungsten rings are more durable and my fiance also got convinced to get this one: http://uniquetungstenrings.com/horatius-tungsten-wedding-band-with-black-walnut-wood-inlay-and-bevels-6-10/
I’m thinking about getting one for myself too, cause they guarantee that its made of a real walnut wood, but I’ll see 🙂
I got one of these for my husband and it is beautiful! (Koa Wood inlay). He loves it.
Price is good for tungsten I think.
I’ve been drooling over these rings, with both meteorite and DINOSAUR BONE, for both me and my fiancé! Why should the guys get all the cool stuff? I mean, DINOSAUR! from jewelry by johan, at etsy: http://www.etsy.com/listing/123912555/meteorite-and-dinosaur-bone-ring-on-a?gclid=CIv8ornUgLsCFc07OgoduhAA8A
I got mine from amazon exactly like the ones in the picture at http://www.carbonfiberweddingbands.net . It’s somewhat similar to the 2nd picture in this article. Also loving that full black ring you posted. Is it true that wood inlay cause skin irritation? my fiance loves those wood like designs
My husband doesn’t like wearing jewelry too! But I wish I’d seen this when I was looking for matching wedding rings for myself and my man! It’s a gold skeleton hand ring by Freedomjewelryusa on Etsy, I’ve got one in silver and it’s extremely comfortable to wear.
We got thematically-but-not-stylistically matching skull rings in the end, but his, (by amazing Etsy skull jeweller Bakogiorgis), while being the most awesome and detailed (it even has a 3rd molar!) skull ring I’ve ever seen ..
is so huge that it spins around on his finger all the time so he doesn’t wear it very often. The gold hand ones would have been perfect! Maybe in a few years I’ll get it for him as a surprise anniversary present 🙂
The ultimate in awesome wedding bands
Titanium rings created from the actual mission flown parts of the worlds fastest jet, The SR-71 Blackbird.
Flown on top secret missions of the highest national priority during the cold war these rings traveled at over 2200 mph at the edge of space.
Check out MACH3ti.com !
When I first asked FH for rings ideas, he said he didn’t care and that I could just pick a ring for him. After we looked at a few rings, he had a couple of ideas (no yellow gold, no diamonds), but nothing more specific that than. I don’t remember exactly when he mentioned the idea of a Legend of Zelda ring, but I was thrilled to have an idea. I found a bunch of different rings on Etsy and showed those rings to him. He picked this one
Beautiful and gorgeous Wedding Ring . Definitely recommend this to all of my friends.
This is the one I got for Mr. Shed, with an onyx stone. It’s black and gothy– just like his soul ^_^ http://www.3rexes.com/moorish-gothic-one-stone-ring/
Snake scale ring would defiantly fit my future husband as men wedding band.
Great stuff! I have been doing my homework on all the different types of materials and crazy unique bands for guys. I have to agree with a previous comment (I think it was Jay) who said that “you get what you pay for.” I am taking this to heart … my future husband will get a top quality ring, just like me 🙂 I’m still doing some looking around as he wants a really different ring. Love the geeky circuit board (he’s into tech), but also another unique wedding ring on a list I saw that is so “Game of Thrones,” which he also LOVES!!
Very Cool. I got mine (for my husband) from http://www.altringsrock.com. Great quality and warranty of anything should happen to it. Great post.
Amazing selection of wedding bands. I like them all