I was revisiting one of our favorite geeky fantasy weddings, Shanon and Brandon's Harry Potter meets Lord of the Rings wedding, and remembered their fun as hell Lord of the rings “just married” car decal. “Just married” decals can lean a little on the traditional side of things, not unlike tying tin cans to the bumper, but when they've gone the way of the geek? The game is changed. In this case, a two-player 8-bit game.
Let's see what decals I could find including Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Legend of Zelda, The Simpsons, and Star Wars. Click the images if you're looking to snag one!

Will you be decorating your car with a geeky “just married” car decal?
Um, I would like a wedding do over so I can get that Harry Potter one! 5 months still counts as “Just Married” right?
Totally counts! 😉
I just had to see what else this guy had. Sherlock Just Married decals! Back to the Future Decals! I think when my boyfriend and I get married, we’ll have to take separate cars just to have more than one of these!
Wow! Never thought that people might be actually using it when I read about it recently in http://google.com