How to make a watermelon shark punch bowl
Y’all may know how much I love sharks, so it’s no surprise that I flipped the fin out over this watermelon shark punch bowl. BerettaFleur (of hanging Mason jar fame) got the idea from the National Watermelon Appreciation Board (I know, right!).
Vintage snack: double wedding sister act
These sisters did everything together and even got married in the same dress! Check out their matching gear, hunky grooms, and adorbs floral girls from their double trouble wedding in 1948.
Theater geek wedding with Buddy Holly style
Justin and Julie are the epitome of rock-star-style meets nerd-at-heart. Here are some of my most favorite details from their theater geek wedding.
Steampunk madness, kissy faces, and one rockin’ ring monkey
The Offbeat Flickr Pool was full of Steampunk, kissy faces, and ring monkeys. It’s an eclectic mix in this Monday Montage.