Category Archive

Real Weddings: Southern US

There are some who say the South will rise again — and it’s true, if you’re talking about Southern nontraditional weddings! From Atlanta to Texas and North Carolina to Florida, we love our Southern offbeat couples. Submit your wedding for consideration via

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Sara & Patrick’s Gluten-free, Art Glass, Outdoor Adventure

She taught us how to not get ripped off at antique shops. Then how to make a floral head wreath. After just about dying for her amazing wedding details, it’s finally here: longtime OBT member iLiveinmyLab‘s full wedding story.

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Sheila & Andrew’s two rock ‘n roll weddings

A little bit country, a whole lotta rock ‘n roll … and a pornographic letter as a reading? Can you say amazeballs?!? As if the kick-ass tutu dress wasn’t ball-out enough …

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Emily & Joshua’s vintage, naval, beach wedding

Summer heat, boy and girl meet, but uh-oh those summer nights.” The last day of Beach Week features a couple who tied the knot to keep those hot summer nights going. Plus, there’s victory curls and zombies — tell me more, tell me more!

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Alexa & Kevin’s casual, green, beach party wedding weekend

Baby, it’s cold outside. Sit back, listen to the fireplace roar, and enjoy Day 1 of Beach week and this science-nerd, muli-cultural, lawn-game-playin’ wedding!

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Elizabeth & Randy’s vintage, Star Wars, geek out wedding

We already teased you with the Han Solo cake, and then so many more sexy Star Wars details. Now, as promised, here is the whole story on the amazing Star Wars wedding!

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Christa & Christopher’s Renaissance garden wedding

Christa & Christopher stayed true to themselves by having a small wedding at a Renaissance Fair. Even though it was spring, they choose their favorite colors — orange and brown — as the color them. Christa made her bridesmaid’s period dresses.