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Real Weddings: Midwest US

There are some people who think offbeat weddings don’t happen in the fly-over states. These people will be surprised. Behold a few of our favorite weddings from the Midwest including Chicago weddings, Iowa weddings, Ohio weddings, Michigan weddings, and more. Submit your wedding for consideration via

4 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Angel & Dave’s old-school glamour, “Dangelous” backyard wedding

Instead of choosing a theme, Angel & Dave just went with what they wanted. It resulted in a red, black and silver themed outdoor wedding in Angel’s grandparents’ backyard. The funniest part was when their son Trent interrupted the ceremony by making laser noises with a big stick and said, “Don’t worry mommy, I busted all the ghosts.” Adorable!

wow alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jescia & Matt’s inflatable Peter-Pan syndrome wedding extravaganza

Even though Jescia & Matt are from a small town in North Dakota they weren’t afraid to buck tradition and have a secular wedding their way. You might remember them from the pictures of that awesome amusement park wedding we featured.

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Jenny & Evan’s wedding feast of love

Jenny & Evan loved the wedding crane tradition. The tradition is for the bride or couple or guests to fold 1000 paper cranes–if accomplished, they are able to wish for a thousand years of happiness together. So Jenny & Evan did just that, and then they used the cranes as decorations during their wedding!

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Becca & Adam’s turquoise and red, Rock ‘n Roll wedding!

By accidently DIYing almost everything Becca & Adam totally pulled off this deliciously turquoise and red wedding.

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Anne & Andrew’s colorful, secular, swing dance wedding

I can’t think of a better way for Anne & Andrew to celebrate their nuptials than throwing a swing dance party in a 1950’s Art Deco building in downtown St. Louis!

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Sarah Joy & Joseph’s modern and minimalist, welding wedding

Sarah Joy & Joseph wanted to celebrate their wedding in a way that was truly them. They decided to throw a “welding” ceremony because both of their jobs involve welding. What an original way to symbolize the fusion of two people into one unit!