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Real Weddings: Midwest US

There are some people who think offbeat weddings don’t happen in the fly-over states. These people will be surprised. Behold a few of our favorite weddings from the Midwest including Chicago weddings, Iowa weddings, Ohio weddings, Michigan weddings, and more. Submit your wedding for consideration via

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Kate & Matt get weddinged in a backyard

The offbeat bride: Kate, admin lackey (midwife-wanna-be) Her offbeat partner: Matt, wind turbine tech Location & date of wedding: My parents’ backyard in Wadsworth, Ohio. May 10, 2008. What made our wedding offbeat: Well, first of all, we were already married! We met in a chemistry class last fall, got engaged by Thanksgiving, and decided […]

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Kristen’s green, eco-friendly wedding

The offbeat bride: Kristen / Retail Manager, but trying to get out Her offbeat groom: Todd / Production Assistant Location & date of wedding: Miami University Campus, Oxford, OH. Oct. 13, 2007 What made our wedding offbeat: It started with Todd proposing without a ring, saying we should pick one out/design it together. And that […]

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Tina’s haunted house halloween wedding

It was love made in heaven, but a marriage made in Hell. What didn’t make this happy day offbeat? The theme of the wedding was “Love Never Dies” It was full moon, which we did not plan. The location was one of the big things — we were married in front of the Cemetery of a haunted house. We chose that location not only because we both work there, but because we fell in love there and it has become a huge part of our lives.

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Melissa’s wedding at the Uptight Wedding Chapel (ha!)

The offbeat bride: Melissa, Web Master My offbeat groom: John, Network Admin Location & date of wedding: Uptight Wedding Chapel in Trenton, MI, April 23, 2005 What made our wedding offbeat: Mostly we bucked tradition. Not even in a huge, flamboyant way. But it drove the chapel owner/managers crazy and the minister refused to speak […]

keyhole1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Rebecca’s Midwest vineyard bike wedding

I finally got the scoop on the vineyard wedding I featured in last week’s wedding porn. The offbeat bride: Rebecca, Speech and language therapist My offbeat groom: Jeremy, Biomedical engineer Location & date of wedding: Alexis Bailly Vineyard ~ Hastings, Minnesota ~ August 2007 What made our wedding offbeat: We kept it simple and intimate, […]

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Sarah’s green budget wedding in St. Louis

The offbeat bride: Sarah, barista My offbeat groom: Josh, architecture student Location & date of wedding: County park in St. Louis, MO (May 20th, 2007) What made our wedding offbeat: I know “green” weddings are quite popular on the coasts, but here in the Midwest, people were stunned. We did our best, on our budget, […]