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Real Offbeat Weddings

We love featuring a truly diverse range of real weddings, from highly stylized theme weddings to elopements to simple and small weddings. Submit your wedding for consideration via

5552309750 585bb60165 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Natalie and Ry’s casual art gallery budget wedding

Art gallery chic meets young love and as many quesadillas as you can handle all on an ultra-low budget. These two bucked tradition entirely and created an intimate wedding where major partying was the goal.

5172793132 108dc3f49d alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Megan & Tom’s vintage superhero wedding

This wedding has superhero capes for the bridal party, an ice cream truck, and the ceremonial suturing of two halves of a baby blanket together! Why aren’t you reading it yet?

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Lori and Desi’s seaside paradise wedding

A teary sunset ceremony on a boat, a romantic rooftop reception, and a lot of DIY touches brought out the fun for this Florida couple. Who says your wedding can’t be enchanting AND entertaining?

5413385055 d85e86e129 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Chantel & Mike’s DIY Asian-inspired love-bird wedding

These love-birds make DIY look anything but in their gorgeous love-nest wedding. A costume photo booth turns into an improv comedy dance number plus an eleventh hour photographer miracle.

5489704011 601963c716 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jessica & Andrew’s rollin’ Burtonesque glam wedding

A wedding that makes you feel like you’re walking through The Corpse Bride sounds awesome, right? What if bowling was added? Yeah, I thought so… double awesome!

5332627503 8a6b2e9900 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How a fiance visa created in this gothy Halloween wedding

A silent film star, an elegant vampire, and a raven winged officiant = perfect Halloween wedding. You know it’s good when the officiant has to say “You may now STOP kissing the bride.”