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When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

5146009260 c0d1ec0856 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

“It’s your day” as a myth, in the anthropological sense

As an anthropologist, Shrubby observes patterns of behavior for a living. So, of course she couldn’t help herself from using this finely-honed skill as she explores the wilds of wedding culture. In this guest post, Shrubby breaks down the idea of the “it’s your day” mythology and its implications and uses during wedding planning.

tenzinatthewedding alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Help you down the aisle I must: The day Yoda empowered an autistic flower girl

Tara, recently went to a friend’s wedding and noticed that one of the flower girls had a strange little green Jedi friend escort her down the aisle, in the form of an awesome backpack. Unable to resist asking how Yoda crashed the wedding, Tara found out the story , and it’s almost as amazing as the pictures.

offbeat empire panel alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Offbeat Bride at Geek Girl Con

So! This weekend was the Offbeat Empire panel at Geek Girl Con. Wondering what we talked about? Wondering who’s BFFs with a Stormtrooper? Wondering who had an epic life-lesson metaphor about bunny hats? Curious about who lists “going open source” as the smartest geeky decision they ever made?! CLICKY!

alexandra in her blue dress alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Let’s re-write our notions about what defines a wedding!

The wedding ceremony and the following reception seem to be the last social events in our country to change even in the slightest. If you dare to ask what the big deal is about a white dress, people will ask you why you’d want to look like a harlot. If you suggest having canolis for dessert and skipping the cake-cutting ceremony, people will balk as if you’ve just asked your guests to eat their own toenails. You don’t want a bridal party either? Well apparently you have no friends and no respect for tradition. It’s clear that when you deviate from the preordained structure of a “classic” wedding, you’re a rebel, a renegade, an outlaw.

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Juggling wedding planning and grief

Stressful as wedding planning can be, doing so after the loss of loved ones brings up so many more painful questions and emotions. Melissa, who lost both of her parents before her wedding, dives into this, sadly, universal issue. Begging the question: how DOES one juggle grief and wedding planning?

Wedding day alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The 18 minutes that changed my life

“Almost as soon as we were pronounced husband and wife, I felt my trust and my investment in our relationship deepen — something I didn’t even know was possible, given how deep is was to begin with… Getting married is a huge decision and commitment, but it was the easiest one I’ve ever made. That eighteen-minute ceremony, and the life that has been following after it, have truly made me a happier and more complete person.”