Category Archive


When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

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Rewearing wedding outfits, blogger time management, and raving

This is my new regular feature where I answer questions from readers. Not wedding advice questions (I do that over here) but personal questions, blogging questions, etc. Let’s dive in… Do you have any pics of yourself and Andre [sic] re-using wedding stuff? (Like your outfit?) -Corinne I swear Andreas wore his sleeveless tux jacket […]

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Psychobilly groom with a mohawk

So you’re thinking to yourself, “Self, if a rockabilly bride gets the hot pin-up hair, then what does a pychobilly groom to do keep up with the hotness?” Answer: Mofo rocks a mohawk! And then you’re thinking, “Self, what about the shoes? Those rockabilly brides get all the cute shoes — what would a hottie […]

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Questions from you: Strangest weddings, what inspired me to start OBB, what I regret from my wedding, and more!

Inspired by Princess Lasertron (because really, who isn’t?) I’ve decided to start doing a semi-regular feature where I answer reader questions. Not, like, wedding advice questions. But questions about other stuff — the site, the world, whatever. Here are the first batch of questions, which came in via Offbeat Bride’s Facebook page: At OBB, we’re […]

groom zipline alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Corbin & Louise’s Forest Treehouse Zipline Unicycle Wedding

Offbeat grooms, I hope you’re wearing your diapers, because this one is going to make you shit your pants with jealousy.