Category Archive


When we want to get more thoughtful, this is the spot for our feature articles. Sometimes we talk big-picture philosophies, other times we discuss wedding trends, and every once and a while we just go ape-shit over a wedding WTF?!

blind bride elsa on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Blind women get married too

I realized that if I was going to be “bridal” in their eyes, I was going to have to change who I am. I am proudly disabled …and I will not change to meet what the Wedding Industry believes is bridal.

5730838347 3fbf516b65 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Matt’s amazing superhero wedding surprise!

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s just the coolest, most epic way to end your wedding day EVAR! At the end of their reception, Matt confessed to Jen that he had a secret to share. Don’t worry, it’s an awesome secret that involves capes and a grown man in tights.

How to fight post-wedding blues: set some goals

How to fight post-wedding blues: set some goals

Our wedding was perfect, but now that it’s long gone, I can’t figure out what to do with myself. Am I crazy? Am I pathetic? Help?

catherine tentacle alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Meet Offbeat Intern #5: Catherine!

I would like to take a quick second to introduce Offbeat Bride’s fifth intern, Catherine!

Catherine is based in Chicago, where she runs a website called Movie Gnome. I’ll let her tell you the rest herself: