Category Archive

Alternative Wedding Ceremony Ideas & Examples

We’ve got SO much wedding ceremony advice like how to officiate a wedding, tons of wedding ceremony readings, a bazillion wedding ceremony scripts, and even wedding vow examples! We’ve also got info about handfasting and other unity ceremonies. You’ll want to start here: Wedding Ceremony 101.

10446406975 b5bd2e7db0 z alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Use “blessing stones” to bring your wedding love mojo back home with you

Do you wish you could bottle up and save all the loving vibes that’ll be shared and expressed on your wedding day? Well, offbeat couple Sage and Nathan used “blessing stones” to harness all the love-y energy generated by their wedding guests and bring it home with them.

hiring a wedding string quartet alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Hum a few bars, pay cash, and make room for the bows: The “do’s and don’ts” of hiring a string quartet

Last time we got insider-info from a wedding musician we talked all about the music. Now let’s talk about how to hire and treat the musicians with this great advice from a Tribesmaid and cellist.

image alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

We already had a big wedding, now how do we celebrate getting legalled?

So here’s the thing: my wife and I had our wedding already, as we never knew when, if ever, Prop 8 would be repealed. Thankfully it did! We can now legally get married. How can we have a “part two,” without it being as big as the first and having everyone ask so many questions? Any ideas on how to pull that off? Is anyone else in the same position as we are in now?

startrekofficiant alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

When Trekkies Wed: a Star Trek-themed ceremony, vows, and officiant dressed as Q

Seattle-based officiant Elaine Way was contacted by our Trekkie couple of the day (John and Becky) and asked if she would dress in full character for their ceremony. The character they had in mind was none other than Q, aka the bossy enlightened know-it-all from Next Generation. Since Becky and John are full-blown Trekkies, we also have the entire ceremony AND a wedding video!