Our gender-neutral Pagan wedding ceremony script, complete with ceremony materials list!
With a bit of help from the internet (Offbeat Bride especially!), a few books, and my personal experience writing atheistic pagan sabbat rituals, we wrote our ceremony script ourselves. It was an undertaking, but ultimately we came up with something that we absolutely loved. Since we got so much help online, we thought it would be great to share it with everyone! Following is our complete script…
Why I don’t like the word “vows” in the context of weddings
I don’t like the word “vows” in the context of weddings. A vow is like a promise and, whether we like it or not, promises are easy to break. I prefer the word “intentions.” What I intend to do is what is important, how I intend to treat you — right now and for the rest of my life. Here is what I wrote as my “wedding intentions”…
You may now kiss each other
Every once in a while, a couple comes up with a wedding alternative I’ve just never thought of before. Lo and behold, Dagny and Charlie came up with this super simple twist to a traditional ceremony script:
“It was also important to me that our first kiss as a married couple was something that both of us entered into. Traditionally, people say, ‘You may now kiss the bride.’ We opted instead for, ‘You may now kiss each other.’ For many, it seemed like a silly, small thing, but for me it was a big deal.”
Geeky wedding vows – 10 examples from REAL weddings!
Fellow gamers, book-lovers, pop culture fiends, Potterphiles, Browncoats, Tolkien fans, Whovians, and zombie apocalypse fighters, and all other forms of geekdom in need of nerd-tinged, geeky wedding vows… these reader-submitted vows will save the princess in your castle. It’s dangerous to write vows alone… take these.