Planning tools 101: hotel block comparison chart
We launched a comprehensive and totally customizable document of wedding planning spreadsheets if you’re the type to get down with spreadsheets like I am. Now we’re sharing a chart that will help you compare hotel blocks if you’re planning to provide that option to your guests. Hotel blocks allow you to block out some rooms and room rates to help guests grab a good deal on a hotel room.
Avoiding wedding fights: how to plan your wedding planning
Your engagement should be a joyful time. You have a lifetime ahead of you with the person you love. What could be better than to celebrate that love surrounded by friends and family? And yet, somehow things go awry. Conflicts flare. And the time that should be so happy — the build-up to your wedding — is fraught with possibilities for strife.
The good news is you can avoid most of the problems by planning your wedding planning. That’s right. Plan how you’re going to plan.
I bought a colored wedding dress and now everyone’s mad! What should I do?
I come from a family of strict traditionalists when it comes to everything, especially weddings. I recently bought a peach wedding dress with no sleeves and expressed I wanted light blue hair and Converse to go with it. As you can imagine, things didn’t go over well. When I try to stand up for my wedding choices, I’m shamed for it.
Please help!
Wedding dates to avoid in 2018, 2019, and beyond
I’m compiling this list of wedding dates to avoid in 2018, 2019, and 2020 in case you want to avoid holidays where family and friends might have conflicting events, holidays where vendors might be especially busy and/or expensive (think Valentine’s Day for florists), or religious holidays where places might be closed or guests might have other plans.
Does this mean you CAN’T book your wedding for one of these days? Hell no!