Offbeat partners: Lyndsey & Brandon Beatty
Date and location: Francis Burns United Methodist Church, Columbia, SC — 04/15/2021
Our Wizard of Oz wedding at a glance:
Our original theme was Emerald City Jook Joint. We were going to have everything green and gold, like the moment in the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy and the crew make it to the Emerald City. But then the pandemic started and we had to pivot.

So, we scaled everything back to just be a green and gold theme. Highlights include jumping a broom at the end and getting some photos on our own that showcase us as an older couple.
Tell us about the Wizard of Oz wedding ceremony:
We met each other in high school in 1995. Brandon was 16 and I was 14. Because of this, hubby decided to wing some vows on the fly referencing this. We lost touch for 12 years between high school and our 30s. I also was married once before. Brandon supported me in that and a lot of other changes that came with life (i.e. losing my mom to cancer, job changes, etc.).

By the time we got married — with the pandemic delay included — I was 39 and he was 42. So, after his traditional vows, he stopped the ceremony and turned to our witnesses and told them, quote, “She has been there from the beginning and is my best friend and the love of my life. We are getting started later than what people expect, but we’re here now. We are family.” I was legitimately in tears because I wasn’t expecting it.

Our pastor then pronounced us husband and wife, and we did the usual. We then jumped a broom. We were in agreement early on that we wanted one as a way to honor our culture and history.

Tell us about the Wizard of Oz wedding reception:
Because of the pandemic, we didn’t have the reception that we planned. We’re planning to do something in a few years when we renew our vows. It’s a bummer but it was the safest thing we could do at the time. We got takeout from Olive Garden and had champagne at our house as a little celebration.

What was the most important lesson you learned from your Wizard of Oz wedding?
In terms of planning, I started with a small budget. A lot of my original ideas were actually completed with a planner and DIY work. My centerpieces were baskets made to look like the weather balloon that the Wizard of Oz used at the end of the 1939 movie. A lot of my wedding elements came from Amazon. I even bought the big ceremony dress from Amazon for $100. Their bulk buying is awesome.

One of the biggest things I learned was to not let others who aren't supportive be involved in your big day. They will drag you down and make things about them. Life is too short to worry about what other people think.

Wizard of Oz wedding vendors:
- Photography: Haley Mitchell – Bloom Photography
- Dorothy dress: Homdor brand on Amazon
- Green dress: Grace Karin boutique on Amazon
- Fascinator: Amazon
- Gloves: Amazon
- Shoes: Fit in Clouds Sequined Flats on Amazon
I love this. The invitations are terrific and I love the theming/colors but this couple just looks SO happy. The guy especially looks as if all of his dreams have just come true. So great. Many happy years to you both!!
I’ve never seen a Wizard of Oz wedding before. I loved the couples outfits. Congrats (and I love Olive Garden!)