Whether you call your bridesmaids your PEW CREW, Bridesminions, or Harbingers of Wedding Cheer, we're betting you'd love to see them in floral-robed getting ready shots! These bridesmaid robes pack so much usefulness, adorableness, and rad gifty-ness in one package. Getting ready shots take on a whole new look with all these cute leafy options.
There are tons of floral print, too, which is always welcome around here. Plus, it's a seriously reusable wedding party gift. We think bridesboys could TOTALLY rock this look too — how cute would those photos be?
Here are a few of our favorite bridesmaid robes and robe sets to clad your wedding party in matchy-matchy goodness…also, can we talk about wedding rompers? You'll find those at the end…

Design Within You

We know you're here for robes, but what about these cute BRIDESMAID ROMPERS!?

They are gorgeous yes, the kimonos in particular. I didn’t even know this was a ‘thing’ (matching bridal party robes!). I can’t imagine the morning getting ready photos looking as good with a group of ladies in mismatched robes of course that’s for sure … which makes me ponder is this idea less of a gift and more of a case of brides bridezilla-ing over wedding photos? 😉
I’m going to have to up my game … nah … just joking, my bridesmaids will be lucky if they get a bacon sarnie in the morning 😛
Pretty Plum is my favorite robe brand to photograph and the material is really a lovely quality. I’ve got 200+ weddings under my belt… I’ve seen a lot of robes, friends.