Neil Gaiman (author of the Sandman comics, Neverwhere, the Stardust novel and movie, Coraline the novel and the movie, and more) just married Amanda Palmer of the Dresden Dolls. After their wedding announcement, we were flooded with emails from you guys about it, and we meant to write about it … but then Thanksgiving happened. So, for those of you who are in the know, this will be old news. But for those of you who had no clue, their wedding was super neat-o!

See, Neil and Amanda had an impromptu flashmob wedding in New Orleans. Apparently Amanda set up the whole thing as a surprise for Neil's 50th birthday:
The wedding also included a surprise top hat and cup of tea. You can see both the top hat and tea in the photo of the entire bridal party…

For more info about the whole amazing shebang and some cute backstory, you can read Amanda's post here, and then head to Neil's blog post, Wedding mystery explained.
And for even more photos head over to their wedding album by Kyle Cassidy

I’m so glad you shared this! I loved the whole idea behind it, and it looked awesome – but I also love the follow up statement that Mr. Gaiman wrote regarding the legality of the wedding itself, which I think was a wonderful comment on marriage and commitment as a whole.
oh! this may just be the most affecting wedding i’ve never been to. i am aflutter.
Thanks for sharing! I follow Neil on twitter, he is a total author crush of mine, and I think he and Amanda are lovely together.
Awesome! I heard about this a while ago from my boyfriend who reads Neils blog (and books/comics).
I think his favourite part was photographic evidence that a man can get married in regular clothes (and a top hat!) and the world doesn’t end.
I love the whole suprise element to it, and the fact that she promised tea to make it all ok.
I think it bears mention as an actual Amanda fan that Amanda Palmer is the singer of the Dresden Dolls 🙂
Yup, I mentioned that in the very first sentence, though I could see how that would get lost amongst all the various links. 😉
Oh I was refering to it being spelled wrong, but tis fixed now 🙂
I love this. I’m usually not a big fan of, and could care less about, celebrity couples/marriages, but this is just awesome. Plus, I love both Neil Gaimans books and the Dresdon Dolls. ^_^
That was so so so amazingly precious. You can actually see how much he loves her. aaaaaw.
Amanda and Neil are the sweetest couple ever and I love that Amanda pulled this off. I’m so glad you featured it as it, and Amanda’s blog about it, made me cry with sweetness 🙂
OMG I love Neil Gaiman, this is so awesome!
Drat! Neil is no longer single!
I truly have no words for how much I love these two – Independent of each other, he is my favourite author and she, my favourite musician. Their love and their art mean a lot to me, and to see them making each other so, so very happy is just wonderful.<3
What a sweet, wonderful story. 🙂