Sometimes I like to dig into the wedding fashion and decor that readers have been buying just to get a pulse on what's going on in all of your minds. And it never fails to keep me on my toes! I pulled out some of my favorite items that y'all have been purchasing via our affiliate linke (thank you for that!), and it was rad.
That orange monacle? That pink embroidered corset? That wings shawl? It's all so GOOD. Maybe you'll find something for your own wedding in this list.

Nalini Shop


Innocent Chao

I instantly fell in love with the Pink Wedding cape veil from Gewandfantasien! It looks like the cape from the movie “three wishes for cinderella” which is a christmas classic in Germany / Eastern Europe as far as I know. I frikking love that movie and heck I’m gonna get me this cape!