How do you simultaneously appease family demands for “more than just cake” while also bringing joy to all your guests with restricted diets AND adding a delicious explosion of color to your reception tables? (Oh AND providing wedding favors?!) Fruit bouquets are the answer to everything, as Offbeat Bride Tribe member Moonlitfractal explains:
In one of those classic wedding battles, my mom and grandmother teamed up to tell me that it ‘just wasn't right' to serve cake as the only dessert at the wedding *facepalm.* Eventually we decided to use fruit bouquets as an additional dessert. They were brought out after the meal, and added even more bright color to the room while providing a no-sugar-added, gluten-free dessert for people who have restricted diets. They were a big hit! The bud vases were handmade by my mother and doubled as favors!
How many layers of win can you pack into one concept? The next time someone asks me ANYTHING, my answer is going to be “FRUIT BOUQUETS!”
I’m so flattered that you chose to feature this!
*fist bump*
Really interesting idea. This is something that I would have never considered for a wedding – but I’m glad to hear that it was a hit! Thanks for the idea.
Oh, I love fruit bouquets! A woman at work received one for her birthday and it caused such a scene – it was so pretty and so unusual. This would be a great idea for desert and decor.
This is a great idea for anyone trying to save table space. Stealing this idea.