Offbeat Wed Vendor Directory Listing FAQ

Businesses often have questions about how things work with our vendor directory.

While we're always happy to chat with you about the Offbeat Wed Vendor Guide (you can contact us here), below you'll find the answers to the most comment questions we receive. We encourage you to take the time to read this page carefully before purchasing a listing — as per our Advertiser Agreement, it's your responsibility to understand what you're purchasing before you make your payment.

Questions you might have before you buy a listing

Where do Offbeat Wed vendor listings appear?

Listings appear in our browsable, searchable curated directory at The directly is linked heavily across our website:

  • The guide is linked at the top of every single page across Offbeat Wed
  • Recent listings are featured in a module on the home page
  • Random listings are featured on every blog post page

Within the guide, your listing appears in the location and category you request.

Where are Offbeat Wed's readers located?

Here's the breakdown of where our 2.2 million annual visitors are located:

Top Countries:

  • USA: 67% of site visitors
  • UK: 8%
  • Canada: 5%
  • AUS/NZ: 5%
  • ROW: 15%

Top US States

  • CA: 13% of US site visitors
  • TX: 7%
  • NY: 7%
  • FL: 5%
  • IL, PA, VA: 4% each
  • NC, OH, GA, WA, MA: MI, NJ: 3% each

Top 10 Cities

  • LA
  • NYC
  • London
  • Chicago
  • Melbourne
  • Sydney
  • Portland
  • Dallas
  • Washington DC
  • Seattle

How much do listings cost?

$275 for the first year, $250 for each year afterward. Payments are processed via Stripe.

How does partnering with Offbeat Wed increase my brand's visibility?

Our listings are designed to build visibility for your business in several ways, because our big focus is on showing that your brand is aligned with Offbeat Wed. That said, your vendor guide listing is just one way we work to increase your brand's visibility and alignment.

Working with us includes many roads to increase your visibility…

  • We only accept vendor submissions from members of our Vendor Guide, and LOVE featuring your work on the blog — whether it's a styled shoot, a general interest advice post you wrote for your own blog, or a great offbeat wedding you worked on, we want to feature your work on our blog!
  • We send exclusive “all-call” emails to our vendor community to recruit submissions on certain topics.
  • We frequently feature our vendor community's work in our blog posts, with full attribution and linking
  • We regularly celebrate our vendors' work on our social media channels like Instagram and Facebook (combined reach 160k).
as seen on offbeat wed vendor listing alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)
Here's what the bottom of your vendor guide listing looks like when you're featured on our blog

Every time we feature your work on our blog, the blog post includes a link back to your vendor guide listing, and then your vendor listing includes a link to the blog posts where you've been featured. This boosts your visibility as an authority on our site. You can see an example of a blog post with vendor work in this post.

How do listings help me reach potential clients and customers?

Our goal is to increase your brand visibility on our site, and then hopefully this helps you gain visitors, followers, leads, and conversions! Offbeat Wed does not communicate with potential clients — your listing directs them to communicate directly with you via your website web, social media, email, or phone.

Your contact information is featured prominently in three locations on your vendor listing:

  • The top of your listing
  • The sidebar of your listing
  • Again at the end of your listing

If you choose to include your email address with your listing, clients can also email you directly from your listing. Email inquiries will have the subject line “I saw you in the Offbeat Wed Vendor Guide.” You can also include your phone number, for clients who want to call or text.

A vendor guide listing with us boosts your brand's visibility and demonstrates that you're aligned with Offbeat Wed's mission, values, and editorial work. While the hope is that this visibility will drive potential clients and customers to you, we do not guarantee traffic, clicks, leads, or conversions.

offbeat bride vendor guide listings work 1080x648 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)
Contact information is repeated again at the end of the listing, as you can see here.

What regions do you serve?

For service providers who work in specific areas, our Vendor Guide has location pages for the United States, Canada, United Kingdom & Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. For online retailers, we have the ONLINE location.

Do listings use a do-follow link?

No. We respect Google's stance on paid links, and all links in our vendor listings are designated rel=sponsored, as per Google's recent best practices. This ensures that neither our site nor your site get penalized for any perceived SEO rule-breaking. Trust us: you want to make sure Google knows we're being cool about our links. Here's more information from Google about how to avoid perceived linking schemes.

How to get your vendor listing on our website

What's the process for buying a vendor listing?

  1. Submit your business via
  2. You'll then receive an email with your approval and invoice.
  3. In the email, click the payment link. This will take you to the purchase page.
    • Have a discount code? Before you complete your purchase, look for the text “Have a discount code?“, click “Click to enter it“, enter the discount code in the provided field, and click apply.
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions, entering your email address, first name, and last name.
  5. Make your payment. You will then receive an email with next steps, including the link to where you can create your vendor login.
  6. Once you've created your vendor login, you can instantly produce your vendor listing on our site. We use WordPress, and you don't need to know any code or fancy technical stuff to upload your pictures, enter your text, and add your links.
    • Having difficulty producing your listing? We have a Customer Support Unicorn on staff to help you — optionally, for an additional $100, we can just create your listing for you, based on your website and social media pages. Email us to talk about that option.
  7. Your listing is live on our site for 365 days after you purchase your subscription.

Who writes vendor listing copy?

You do! Think of it as a sort of like a dating profile — we give you space to tell folks all about your business, how you cater to nontraditional couples, share examples of your work, and more. There's no limit on how many words you can write, or how much you can share.

Can I add a video to my listing?

Yep! If your video is hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, or a similar video hosting site, you can grab an embed code to insert the video into your listing text.

I run an online business — what location should I choose?

We have a “location” called Online Vendors, designed exclusively for internet-based businesses that ship worldwide. Online Vendor listings will show in any location category without regional vendors.

Wait, where exactly do vendors in the “Online” location appear?

Whereas vendors who choose a location like Oregon have their listing appear on their relevant browsable location and category pages, vendors who choose the Online location appear in several differen't places.
Let's say you're an Online Vendor selling jewelry. Your listing would appear on the following pages:

  • In the Jewelry category listing, with all other Jewelry vendors, both online and regional.
  • In rotation on regional pages where there are no local listings, for example, South Dakota. On these regional pages that don't have active regional listings, Online Vendors are displayed in random rotation.
  • On the Online Vendors “location” page, linked prominently from the navigation and main vendors page — this is our second most popular location page browsed by readers!

…This is all to say that Online Vendors get a lot of visibility in our directory.

Questions after your listing is up

Will I get a badge or button that I can put on my site?

Yep! We'll email you a link to an “Offbeat Wed featured vendor” badge that you can use on your website.

How long will my vendor listing be on your site?

365 days from the date you purchased your subscription.

Can I update my listing over the year?

Yes! You can update your text, add new photos, change your links, add new promotions, or whatever other changes you want, as often as you want during the year.

Can I be listed in more than one location or category?

Yep! Additional locations OR categories can be added for $50 each. This is useful for, say, wedding coordinators in New England who want to be listed in multiple states; or photographers who also do videography and want to be listed in both Photography and Filmmaking. Contact us to add locations or categories.

How does the Destination location work?

If you're a vendor who is willing to travel anywhere for a wedding, we recommend purchasing an additional location and listing yourself in the “Destination” location.

In what order are listings displayed?

Listings are displayed in random order. On each page load, your listing is as likely to show up in the first slot as the last.

Questions about how to renew your listing

How much do renewals cost?


How will I know when it's time to renew my listing?

Listings renew automatically. We'll email you the week before your renewal will process, just to make sure you're still onboard with us. It's easy to cancel via your vendor dashboard if you if you don't wish to renew.

My listing didn't get as many leads or sales as I wanted. Can I get a refund?

We do not guarantee delivery of views, clicks, leads, or conversions. Our listings are sold by the duration of publication. We'll ensure your listing is published in the category and location of your choice, and that it includes all text and photos submitted, but we are not responsible for how it performs.

Payments & Policies

Can I make payments monthly?

No. Payment is due up-front for your one year of listing on Offbeat Wed.

How do I pay?

We use Stripe as our payment solution (which means we accept credit cards and international payments); however, if you'd like to send a check, that can be arranged. It will cause a delay in your listing going live while we wait for the check to arrive and clear, but we can do it!

Still have questions?

We're always here to talk over your questions! Email us.

Whew, got all that?

Alrighty then, LET'S DO THIS THING!