A field of light bordered by love: a wedding reading from Tony Kushner

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 | Photography by Jess Glass
A field of light bordered by love: a wedding poem for a starry union
Photography by Jess Glass

Looking for a wedding reading to honor your favorite soonlyweds? We recently featured the starry union of Raine and Alli, who had a space-themed wedding with an astrology-based seating chart (imagine sitting at a table full of Scorpios 😨), as well as this reading – for your consideration, here is An Epithalamion, a poem by playwright Tony Kushner:

Conjunction, assemblage, congress, union:
Life isn’t meant to be lived alone.
A life apart is a desperate fiction.
Life is an intermediate business:
a field of light bordered by love
a sea of desire stretched between shores.
Marriage is the strength of union.
Marriage is the harmonic blend.
Marriage is the elegant dialectic of counterpoint.
Marriage is the faultless, fragile logic of ecology:
A reasonable process of give and take
unfolding through cyclical and linear time.
A wedding is the conjoining of systems in which
Neither loses its single splendor and both are completely
transformed. As, for example,
The dawn is the wedding of the Night and the Day,
and is neither, and both,
and is, in itself, the most beautiful time,
abundant artless beauty,
free and careless magnificence.

Looking for more wedding poems and other inspirational wedding readings? Dig into our stellar collection!

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