If you're engaged, you're probably having to start a wedding registry. If this is you, and you're not down with getting a new toaster or a handmade tea cozy, this list may be for you. That is if you're into techie goodies like speakers, keyless entry, robot vacuums, and robo toilets. Stop and smell the fresh aluminum with these sleek and fun high tech registry gifts to add to your registry. Oh, and that first item? Total wishlist for all of us, amirite?
(Pro tip: set up a universal registry on Amazon to immediately add these things to YOUR registry.)
Yep, even toilets go high tech:
Read Ariel's review here!
Ready to add these high tech registry gifts to YOUR registry?
Everything on this page came from Amazon, because their wedding registries are super easy for everyone to use, and even include a universal registry option — so you can register for stuff from ANYWHERE online, using Amazon.
Setup your wedding registry today
If you have an idea for someone, but want to get the best or best-for-the-price, I recommend using wirecutter.com. They also currently have a bunch of cool gift ideas, heavily focused on technology, starting with $30 and under.