How to make a one-sided wedding party work (you have a crew and your partner doesn’t!)
When my fiancé and I got engaged, there was no question for me that I would ask my three best friends to be my bridesmaids. That said, my fiancé doesn’t want to have any groomsmen/women. I’ve seen advice about uneven parties, but not about one partner skipping them entirely. Any creative suggestions?
“The dog ate my dress”: 4 ways to get out of being a bridesmaid
Declining to be in a wedding party or worse, backing out after you’ve already committed, can be a delicate maneuver. Sometimes it’s financial, sometimes it’s too much of a time commitment, and sometimes there are just personal or emotional reasons that you can’t commit. But sometimes it has to be done for logistical reasons or just for your own self-care. Here are four ways to get out of being a bridesmaid if you’ve found that it’s not in the cards for you.
Groomsgirl rules you HAVE to live by
These are the official rules that all groomsgirls, best women, and any ladies standing by their favorite dudes: there are NO rules. We recently spied Orange is the New Black’s Lauren Lapkus at this super gorgeous vegan and pink wedding as one of the groom’s attendants. She ROCKED a feminine suit that matched the groomsmen and even walked one of the bridemaids into the reception. Hell yes! After that, we knew we needed another reminder of how awesome groomsgirls and best women can be. (Oh, and spoiler: these tips totally work for bridesdudes, too!)
Here are the things you totally do not have to do as a groomsgirl:
Wedding toasts without sexist marriage cliches
I’m a feminist bride with a feminist fiance looking for some advice. I was at a good friend’s wedding recently and the groom’s older brother gave a toast with a whole section on how the groom should just accept that he’ll never be right again now that he’s married — even when the facts are on his side, he should defer to the wife to keep the peace. How can we give people the opportunity to wish us well without inviting their sexist garbage?